Contenidos con etiqueta older persons .



International Day of Older Persons – taking action to ensure the full enjoyment of human rights throughout life

30/09/2022 Strasbourg

“Member states should act to promote active ageing and ensure that older persons in Europe can fully enjoy their human rights,” said today the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatović, ahead of the International Day of Older Persons. “Active ageing* goes beyond...

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The Commissioner publishes her memorandum on the human rights consequences of the war in Ukraine

08/07/2022 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published today a memorandum addressing the human rights consequences of the war in Ukraine. It aims to address some of the humanitarian and human rights consequences of the war and to highlight issues which require urgent...

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Introductory remarks at the exchange of views with PACE Standing Committee

13/10/2020 Strasbourg

Dear PACE members, It is a pleasure to meet with you today, although only from cyberspace. I would have preferred to get together with you last April at your plenary session to discuss my annual report. Regrettably, the pandemic made it impossible and I was only able to circulate my report...

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International day of older persons – reflection and reaction needed in the time of the pandemic

01/10/2020 Strasbourg

The international day of older persons is an opportunity to celebrate older persons, their achievements and their continuing contribution to our societies. This year, we are marking this day in the exceptional context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exposed serious failings in all the Council...

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Lessons to be drawn from the ravages of the COVID-19 pandemic in long-term care facilities

20/05/2020 Strasbourg

After the initial scramble to contain the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Europe and as the situation slowly improves in the countries hardest hit by the pandemic, Council of Europe member states have to reckon with the grim reality that a substantial number of deaths, up to half according to...

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Older persons need more support than ever in the age of the Covid-19 pandemic

20/03/2020 Strasbourg

The ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is especially dangerous for older persons and has a disproportionately negative impact on their right to health and other human rights. The European countries which put confinement measures into place in their fight against the virus have often asked...

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Country visit report

Report on Armenia recommends measures to improve women’s rights, protection of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups, and establishing accountability for past human rights violations

29/01/2019 Strasbourg

Today the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, published the report of her visit to Armenia carried out in September 2018. The report focuses on women’s rights, gender equality and domestic violence; the human rights of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups; and...

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Country visit report

Greece should safeguard social rights for all and improve the reception and integration of migrants

06/11/2018 Strasbourg

“Greece should take urgent steps and adopt long-term policies to improve the reception and integration of migrants and to reverse the adverse effects of austerity measures on access to health care and education”, says Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, publishing...

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Country visit report

Estonia should adopt more human rights oriented policies to improve the protection of women and the inclusion of older persons

28/09/2018 Strasbourg

“To build a more cohesive society, the Estonian authorities should strengthen the protection of women from violence, close the gender pay gap and uphold the rights of older people”, said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Dunja Mijatović, while releasing today the report on her...

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Country visit

Armenia’s new government should place human rights at the centre of its policies

24/09/18 Strasbourg

“Armenia’s peaceful transfer of power in May 2018 has been truly remarkable. However, popular expectations are high that there will be tangible improvements to people’s lives, and the government should devote its attention to upholding the long-neglected rights of those who are most vulnerable”,...

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Human rights Comment

The right of older persons to dignity and autonomy in care

18/01/2018 Strasbourg

Older persons have exactly the same rights as everyone else, but when it comes to the implementation of these rights, they face a number of specific challenges. For example, they often face age discrimination, particular forms of social exclusion, economic marginalisation due to inadequate...

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Country visit report

Portugal: Austerity measures threaten the most vulnerable

10/07/2012 Strasbourg

"The most vulnerable social groups have been hit hardest by the fiscal austerity measures implemented in Portugal. The government should strengthen its efforts to mitigate the negative impact of the financial crisis, in particular on children, elderly and the Roma" said today Commissioner...

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Human Rights Comment

Discriminatory policies towards elderly people must stop

19/01/2012 Strasbourg

The privatisation of institutional care for older persons in Sweden has recently been marked by scandals. Media have revealed that a business company running a number of such institutions has prioritised profit making and bonuses for top managers over decent care for the residents. Cases of...

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Human rights of older persons: participation, equality and dignity

29/09/2011 Warsaw

Keynote speech by Thomas Hammarberg at the 5th Warsaw Seminar on Human Rights Warsaw, 29 September – 1 October 2011 Europeans are becoming older. The median age within the EU has already risen from 35 years in 1990 to 41 currently and may reach 48 in 2060. 17 per cent of the population is now...

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Human Rights Comment

Elderly across Europe live in extreme hardship and poverty

05/08/2010 Strasbourg

Hundreds of thousands of elderly persons across Europe are struggling for their everyday survival. Many suffer a shocking level of poverty. They tend to be ignored by politicians and are often seen as being non-productive and worthless in modern society. The human rights of the older generation...

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