Επιστροφή Detention and expulsion of very young unaccompanied foreign minors from Mayotte to the Comoros

Moustahi v. France

The Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme (CNCDH) and the Contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté (CGLPL) submitted a joint communication to the Committee of Ministers in the Moustahi case, reporting on the persistence in Mayotte (French department in the Indian Ocean) of the practice of arbitrarily attaching children to third-party adults with a view to allowing their detention and subsequent expulsion. The communication also refers to the current legislation which does not offer foreigners, about to be deported, in certain overseas territories, a one-day deadline in order to effectively bring proceedings to a judge.

A similar communication was also sent to the Committee by the NGO GISTI (Information and Support Group for Immigrants).

This case is scheduled for a first examination by the Committee of Ministers at its DH meeting from 7 to 9 June 2021.

 Communication from CNCDH and CGLPL (in French only)

 Communication de l’ONG Gisti (in French only)

 Moustahi v. France

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