Επιστροφή Round table on truth-finding mechanism for “missing babies” in Serbia

Zorica Jovanović v. Serbia

On 28 January 2019, the Department for the Execution of the European Court’s Judgment Head of Section participated in a round table in Belgrade aimed at streamlining the efforts to introduce a truth-finding mechanism to establish the fate of the so-called “missing babies” (mostly babies who went missing from maternity wards).

As a part of their efforts to find a solution to this matter and to comply with the European Court’s judgment in Zorica Jovanović case, the authorities have prepared a draft law currently pending before Parliament to introduce an independent mechanism capable of providing credible answers to the parents of “missing babies”.

The round table was attended by judges of the Supreme Court of Cassation, presidents of the four high courts that will have the competence to deal with the “missing babies” cases once the draft law is adopted, and Deputies to the Prosecutor General and other members of judiciary. The round table was supported by the EU Horizontal Facility for Western Balkans and Turkey.

 Case of Zorica Jovanovic

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