Draft Annotated Agenda

Council of Europe offices, Paris, room 2

12 April 2018: 09:30 – 18:00

As of 011 April 2018

1.Opening of the meeting

Opening of the meeting by the Chair and general information exchange on latest developments within the Secretariat

2. Adoption of the agenda


Draft agenda

For decision
Adopt the agenda in view of preparing the 14th meeting of the CDMSI (week of 18 to 22 June 2018)

3. Standard setting

3.1 Committee of experts on Quality Journalism in the Digital Age (MSI-JOQ)


Composition of the MSI-JOQ


Report of the 1st meeting of the MSI-JOQ (8-9 March 18)

For discussion
Take note of information on the 1st meeting of the MSI-JOQ and discuss

3.2 Committee of experts on Human Rights Dimensions of Automated Data Processing and Different Forms of Artificial Intelligence (MSI-AUT)


Composition of the MSI-AUT


Report of the 1st meeting of the MSI-AUT (6-7 March 18)

For discussion
Take note of information on the 1st meeting of the MSI-AUT and discuss 

4. Cooperation activities

MEDIA-COOP (2018)01

Accomplished and on-going projects in the field of media and freedom of expression

For information and discussion
Take note of information provided by the secretariat and discuss

5. Implementation of Council of Europe adopted standards and best practices

5.1 Initiatives in member states


Turkey - Analysis of the Draft Provision on the “Presentation of media services via Internet” to the Turkish Law No. 6112 on the Establishment of Radio and Television Enterprises and Their Media Services


Ukraine  - Gender equality and the media in Ukraine



Ukraine - Round Table “Models of Public Broadcasting Financing: International Experience and Ukrainian Context”

Switzerland - "No" to "No Billag" - Outcome of the vote on funding of PSM

EFJ press release

Denmark: Danish government intention to cut 20 per cent of funding for Danish public service media (DR).

5.2 Internet governance


Council of Europe Internet Governance Strategy 2016-2019.

For discussion
Discuss the progress of the implementation of the strategy on the basis of an oral information by the secretariat.
Take note of last developments regarding artificial intelligence, and the Internet Governance Task Force.



Internet Governance Forum (18-21 Dec 2017, Geneva)

European Dialogue on Internet Governance
(5-6 June 2017, Tbilisi)

For information
Take note of information provided by members and the secretariat on the IGF 2017 (18-21 Dec 2017, Geneva) and on the state of preparation of Council of Europe involvement in the 2018 EuroDIG (5-6 June 2017, Tbilisi)



For information
Take note of information by the secretariat on the Nigel Hickson’s visit the CoE Information Society Department, on the CoE participation to the ICANN60 meeting (28/10-3/11) and on ICANN61 in Puerto Rico (10-15 March 2018) and ICANN63 in Barcelona (20-26/10/2018)

5.3 Implementation of the CM Recommendation on protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors


Draft Strategy for the Implementation of the CM Recommendation on protection of journalism and safety of journalists and other media actors

5.4 Platform to Promote the Protection of Journalism and the Safety of Journalists

5.5 Implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2013) on gender equality and media

For discussion
Take note of information by the secretariat. Take note of possible information by members. Discuss

6. European Convention on Transfrontier Television


Information note on the Revision of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television (ECTT)


Revised summary of answers received to a questionnaire on the revision of the European Convention on Transfrontier Television (ECTT)

For discussion

7. Data protection


Abridged report of the 44th Bureau of the Committee of Convention 108 (26-28 March 2018)


Draft Recommendation on the protection of health-related data
CDMSI comments on the draft Recommendation on the protection of health-related data


Guidelines on safeguarding privacy in the media

For discussion
Take note of information provided by the secretariat on on-going work on data protection

Take note of last developments in respect of the modernisation of Convention 108 and the draft Recommendation on the protection of health-related data

Take note on co-operation activities in the area of data protection that have a link to CDMSI activities

8. Work of other Council of Europe institutions and bodies

8.1 Secretary General’s initiatives

8.2 Committee of Ministers

Adopted texts


Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership


Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the roles and responsibilities of internet intermediaries

For discussion
Take note of the adoption by the Committee of Ministers on 7 March 2018 of both recommendations.
Discuss steps to be taken for their implementation.

Committee of Ministers thematic coordinator on information policy – TC-Inf

For discussion
Take note of the information by the secretariat on the activities related to the TC-Inf, in particular, on a future meeting with signatories of the exchange of letters with internet business (23 May 2018) and preceeding workshop

8.3 Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

PACE Rec 2105 (2017)


PACE Recommendation 2105 (2017) “Promoting integrity in governance to tackle political corruption”

CDMSI Comments on PACE Rec 2105 (2017)

PACE Rec 2106 (2017)


CM reply

PACE Recommendation 2106 (2017) “Parliamentary scrutiny over corruption: parliamentary cooperation with the investigative media”

CDMSI Comments on PACE 2106 (2017)

Reply by the Committee of Ministers, adopted at the 1306th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies (7 February 2018)

PACE Rec 2111(2017)


CM reply

PACE Recommendation 2111(2017) on “Political influence over independent media and journalists

CDMSI comments on PACE Recommendation

Reply by the Committee of Ministers, adopted at the 1303rd meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies (10 January 2018)

For information
Take note of information by the secretariat on the state of play of CDMSI comments and where relevant of CM replies.

8.4 Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

8.5 Commissioner for Human Rights


Letter from the Chairman of the CDMSI to Dunja Mijatovic, new Human Rights Commissioner

For discussion
Confirm the invitation decided at the last plenary meeting to invite the new HR Commissioner to an exchange of views at the next plenary meeting in June 2018.
Prepare this exchange.

8.6 Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe

8.7 Council of Europe Counter-Terrorism Committee (CDCT)

Press release

Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)6  of the Committee of Ministers to member States on terrorists acting alone

For discussion
Take note of information by the secretariat on the state of play of the draft recommendation on” Terrorists Acting Alone” and CDCT’s work

8.8 Steering Committee for Human Rights(CDDH)

Meeting agenda
Web page

Drafting group on freeedom of expression and links to other human rights (CDDH-EXP)

For information
Take note of the report by the secretariat.

8.9 Ad hoc Committee for the Rights of the Child (CAHENF)


Draft Recommendation on [Comprehensive] Guidelines to empower, protect and support children’s [safe access to their rights on the Internet] [rights in the digital environment]

For information
Take note of information by the secretariat on the state of play of the draft recommendation

8.10 European Audio-visual Observatory


European Audio-visual Observatory web site

For information
Take note of the last works of the Observatory and of last developments

8.11 Participation of CDMSI members in meetings and events

For information
Take note of information by the secretariat

9. Other organisations

European Union current and future Presidencies

10. CDMSI work programme and working methods

10.1 Reflection on a future conference of ministers responsible for media and information society

Resolution CM/Res(2011)7

Resolution CM/Res(2011)7 on Council of Europe conferences of specialised ministers


Discussion paper on the reasons justifying the holding of a Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society in 2020

For discussion
Discuss the content and hosting of the proposed conference of ministers responsible for media and information society (Cyprus, May 2020) as well as all necessary preparation steps

11. Draft agenda of the 14th CDMSI meeting (week of 18 to 22 June 2018)


Draft preliminary agenda of the 14th CDMSI meeting

For decision
Agree on the draft preliminary agenda

12. Any other item

General reference documents


Terms of reference

CDMSI terms of reference 2018-2019

Terms of Reference

CDMSI terms of reference 2016-2017

Terms of reference

MSI-JOQ terms of reference 2018-2019

Terms of reference

MSI-AUT terms of reference 2018-2019


Resolution CM/Res(2011)24 on intergovernmental committees and subordinate bodies, their terms of reference and working methods


List and timetable of meetings relevant to the CDMSI in 2018 – up-date as of 10/04/2018

Political declaration and resolutions

Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society – Freedom of Expression and Democracy in the Digital Age – Opportunities, Rights, Responsibilities. Adopted Political Declaration and Resolutions


Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society (Belgrade, 7-8 November 2013) – Report of the Secretary General

CM Decisions

Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society (Belgrade, 7-8 November 2013) – Decisions of the Committee of Ministers


Recent meeting reports


Report of the 12th meeting of the CDMSI Bureau (19-20 October 2017)


Abridged report of the 13th meeting of the CDMSI (5-8 December 2018)