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Armenia, National chapter

Journalists Matter, Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists

The Council of Europe encourages member states to transpose the Campaign to the national context. Without each member’s committed and effective effort at national level, through the development of the so-called ‘national chapter’, the Campaign cannot reach its goals.

In this section, we will present developments in Armenia:

National Focal Point

Ms/Mme Anush Harutyunyan, Head of Information and Digital Diplomacy Division, Media and Public Diplomacy Department, ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia

National Campaign Committee

A relevant working group/national committee has been established under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia’s coordination to pursue the campaign's objectives.

The formation of the working group has been determined through a series of consultations with pertinent state bodies, civil society, media organizations, and NGOs. The group consists of 10 individuals and its composition remains open to expansion if necessary. Following the working group's establishment, its inaugural meeting was held in March. During the meeting, the campaign's objectives were presented, and it was agreed that the group would convene as needed, with a minimum frequency of once a month. To facilitate communication, a WhatsApp group has been created. Decisions within the group are reached by consensus.

In 2024, the working group consists of representatives from the following institutions:  

Media and Public Diplomacy Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Diaspora, Youth and Sport,  National Assembly (Parliament) of Armenia; Educational NGO center "For Equal Rights"; Press and Public Relations Service, Judicial Department; Public Communication and Monitoring Division, Public Communication and Awareness Department, Ministry of Internal Affairs; Center for Legislation Development Foundation, Ministry of Justice; Human Rights Defender's Office (Ombudsman) of Armenia; "Armenpress" news agency.


According to the 2024 report by Reporters Without Borders, Armenia has improved its position in terms of press freedom and journalists' working conditions. In the Reporters Without Borders rankings, Armenia moved from 80th place in 2018 to 43rd in 2024, becoming the leader in the field among the countries in the region.

Despite this progress, several challenging and persistent issues remain that require attention:

Polarization, hate speech and disinformation

  • In recent years, Armenian society has witnessed a significant increase in polarization, largely fuelled by pivotal political events and significant national security concerns. These political and ideological divisions have created an atmosphere rife with tension, permeating various facets of societal life and profoundly impacting the media landscape. As a result, journalists face heightened pressure in their reporting endeavours. This pressure sometimes manifests in aggression directed towards journalists, including instances where peers from opposing sides engage in such behavior.
  • Another pressing issue within today's Armenian media landscape is the proliferation of disinformation and hate speech. Particularly concerning is the targeting of women working in the media. Female journalists often endure additional forms of harassment, including physical and verbal attacks, both online and offline.

Digital security

With the ongoing digitalization of media, journalists are increasingly facing threats to their digital security, including hacking and surveillance. Recently, several journalists and individuals associated with media organizations in Armenia have been targeted by foreign spy programs, leading to the compromise of electronic devices. 

The Perception of Journalists in Society and the Lack of Understanding of the Media's Role

Throughout discussions and activities conducted by the national committee, significant lack of understanding regarding the vital role that journalists play in society has been observed. This lack of comprehension spans across all levels of society and, worryingly, even among some state representatives. The lack of recognition of the media's role as an essential pillar of democracy contributes to many of the challenges that journalists face, providing fertile ground for hostile actions against them.