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Austria, National chapter

Journalists Matter, Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists

The Council of Europe encourages member states to transpose the Campaign to the national context. Without each member’s committed and effective effort at national level, through the development of the so-called ‘national chapter’, the Campaign cannot reach its goals.

In this section, we will present developments in Austria:

National Focal Point

Mr Andreas ULRICH, Media, Information Society, Law of Political Affairs

National Campaign Committee

In early 2024, the Federal Chancellery, which holds responsibility for the safety of journalists’ related issues, initiated a series of discussions involving editors-in-chief from prominent daily newspapers, the ORF, the APA, and the Concordia press club. This forum convenes several times annually to deliberate on the latest industry developments, including matters pertaining to security.

As part of the initial discussions, industry representatives unanimously identified a concerning trend: a rising climate of hate directed towards established media, a phenomenon that has been observed in many countries for years, particularly exacerbated since the onset of the pandemic. This hostility manifests primarily in online forums and through threatening and hateful emails, often with real names attached. Journalists, especially female journalists representing "traditional" media on social media platforms, frequently face brutal verbal attacks.

In response to these developments, there is a pressing need for an independent advisory center where journalists can seek not only legal guidance but also prompt psychological support and assistance with crisis PR, particularly in managing online controversies. Publishers alone are no longer equipped to handle this. Such an advisory center would also systematically document all attacks against journalists. Additionally, specialised training for journalists in managing crisis situations, organised by the industry itself, would be of paramount importance.

The initial outcome of these discussions is a commitment from industry representatives to internally develop a preliminary concept for an advisory center, with further refinement planned in subsequent discussions.

An increased training for law enforcement officers is suggested, as some officers have disregarded journalists' press cards, particularly during demonstrations. Given that freelance journalists and bloggers with press cards often work for established media at demonstrations, and traditional employment relationships are decreasing, law enforcement officials require training on the importance of an independent press and awareness of journalists' rights.

Regarding demonstrations, it is important to note that the primary objective of the authorities is to protect the life and health of all participants. In January 2021, in response to anti-corona demonstrations, "media contact officers" were established nationwide. These officers serve to support journalists from a security police perspective at larger demonstrations and rallies, ensuring that suitable locations are kept free, maintaining contact with emergency services, and implementing precautionary measures as needed.

Furthermore, Austria is actively engaged at the European level in finding solutions that uphold fundamental rights, including the protection of journalists, in combating cybercrime and addressing challenges in law enforcement related to technological advancements.

For instance, Austria is involved in the establishment of an expert group, the High-Level Expert Group on access to data for effective law enforcement, aimed at ensuring cybersecurity, data protection, privacy, and other fundamental rights, such as freedom of expression.

Rechtsdienst Journalismus


ASSOCIATION INVOLVED: the Austrian Presseclub Concordia BRIEF DESCRIPTION: A programme to provide legal support for journalists. Support is provided through training, individual legal information and legal assistance. WEBSITE: Rechtsdienst Journalismus – Presseclub Concordia

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