Freedom of expression is one of the foundations of a democratic and pluralistic society. Its corollary is access for everyone to accurate, reliable and timely information, a key precondition for informed public participation. The role of the media and journalists in seeking out, verifying and distributing information is crucial.

States have the responsibility to provide adequate safeguards, both through law and practice, for the effective enjoyment and protection of freedom of expression, including by creating an enabling environment for free and responsible media to flourish and play their essential role in democracy.

The Council of Europe is well placed to help prevent and address the threats to the exercise of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, both offline and in the online environment.

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Επιστροφή Addressing Disinformation in Europe - First Draft Partner Network Meeting in Strasbourg on 3rd of July, 2017

Addressing Disinformation in Europe - First Draft Partner Network Meeting in Strasbourg on 3rd of July, 2017

The Council of Europe attaches high priority to the possible impacts of ‘fake news’ on European societies and to identifying effective ways of countering the phenomenon. To this end it supports the organisation of the First Draft European Partner Network Meeting in Strasbourg on the 3rd of July. The aim of the meeting is to exchange information on the scale of mis- and disinformation in Europe today and to share best practices, with a view to devising further initiatives and technologies that may be of use to media companies and journalists.

First Draft is a leading global research and training organisation with a network of over 300 people working at major media outlets, social platforms and technology companies, as well as over 35 journalism schools and research centres world-wide. It has facilitated cutting-edge research on the most prevalent types of mis- and disinformation, on the motivations behind them and the means by which they are spread. First Draft is equally engaged in a number of fact checking and verification projects across Europe, notably the CrossCheck projects focussed on the French and German elections.

Strasbourg 24 June 2017
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Internet governance

Co-operation projects


The right to freedom of expression and information constitutes one of the essential foundations of democratic society. In conflict situations and wars, the role of the media is critical in providing the public with accurate and timely information. Trustworthy news and images can contribute to the protection of civilians and conflict prevention, bring to the attention of the international community the horrors and reality of conflict and expose violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

 Visit the "Freedom of expression in times of conflict" webpage

Journalists Matter, the Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists is an initiative aiming to promote press freedom and protect journalists from violence, threats, and harassment while performing their duties. As part of this Campaign, the Council of Europe is inviting everyone to support their cause, take action for their enhanced protection, while raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding journalists and their right to report the news freely and without fear. 

 Visit the "Campaign for the Safety of Journalists" webpage

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights