Freedom of expression is one of the foundations of a democratic and pluralistic society. Its corollary is access for everyone to accurate, reliable and timely information, a key precondition for informed public participation. The role of the media and journalists in seeking out, verifying and distributing information is crucial.

States have the responsibility to provide adequate safeguards, both through law and practice, for the effective enjoyment and protection of freedom of expression, including by creating an enabling environment for free and responsible media to flourish and play their essential role in democracy.

The Council of Europe is well placed to help prevent and address the threats to the exercise of the rights and freedoms guaranteed by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights, both offline and in the online environment.

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Επιστροφή Call for the provision of consultancy services to support and advise the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine

Call for the provision of consultancy services, aimed at support and advice to the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine in implementing communication strategy in times of war, raising public support and awareness towards war crimes, and establishing an international tribunal.
Call for the provision of consultancy services to support and advise the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine

The tender is launched on behalf of the Council of Europe project “Safeguarding Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Media in Ukraine” within the Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” (2023-2026).

One of the priority measures in the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2023-2026 aims to provide further support to promote efficient information and communication strategy capacities at the Prosecutor General Office of Ukraine (“the PGO”) based on the achievements of the previous Action Plan. More specifically, continuing the support provided to the PGO in September-December 2022 in ensuring proper implementation of the Office’s communication strategy targeted at domestic and international audiences. This work, among others, will include the following:

  • technical assistance and expert support to the PGO in holding focus groups discussions and carrying out public opinion research covering the topics on the need to establish the Special International Tribunal for the crime of aggression, genocide and war crimes (both domestically and internationally) and on the assessment of the PGO’s activities regarding the investigation and prosecution of war crimes and public trust in it;
  • training on public speaking for PGO officials and provision of advice in regular messages of PGO speakers;
  • expert advice on and other support to the PGO’s communication activities targeted at the audiences based in the European Union and the United Kingdom, as well support in publishing relevant materials in international media and communication with European opinion leaders, as well as monitoring of media coverage of the PGO’s activities.

In that context, the Council of Europe, through its Action Plan for Ukraine and in the current Project, is seeking to engage a Provider to provide consultancy services to the PGO in the implementation of the communication strategy in times of war. 

 Expected timeline for the provision of services: 2 May 2023 – 31 December 2023
 The deadline for submission of tenders via email is 10 April 2023. (please include the reference: “Tender _ Consultancy _ Advice to GPO_UA”)

All questions regarding the tender must be submitted at least 3 (three) days before the deadline for submission of proposals and must be sent by email with the following subject: (please include the reference: “Tender _ Consultancy _ Advice to GPO _ UA_ Question”).
 For detailed information, bidders are invited to consult the tender documents: 
Strasbourg 27 March 2023
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Internet governance

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The right to freedom of expression and information constitutes one of the essential foundations of democratic society. In conflict situations and wars, the role of the media is critical in providing the public with accurate and timely information. Trustworthy news and images can contribute to the protection of civilians and conflict prevention, bring to the attention of the international community the horrors and reality of conflict and expose violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

 Visit the "Freedom of expression in times of conflict" webpage

Journalists Matter, the Council of Europe Campaign for the Safety of Journalists is an initiative aiming to promote press freedom and protect journalists from violence, threats, and harassment while performing their duties. As part of this Campaign, the Council of Europe is inviting everyone to support their cause, take action for their enhanced protection, while raising awareness about the importance of safeguarding journalists and their right to report the news freely and without fear. 

 Visit the "Campaign for the Safety of Journalists" webpage

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression"

Art. 10 European Convention on Human Rights