Practical information

Meeting venue

The conference will take place at OSCE Conference Services premises (Hofburg, Heldenplatz, 1010 Vienna) in the Neuer Saal, 2nd floor.

Working languages

The working languages of the conference will be English and Russian.


Badges may be obtained at the registration counter (open Thursday, 15.00 -17.00 and on Friday as of 8.00) located in a temporary facility outside Hofburg, beside the main entrance upon presentation of appropriate picture identification. All persons accredited to the OSCE will get access with their regular badges.


Requests for visa support should be addressed to Ms. Elke Lidarik, A copy of the passport has to be sent together with the request as well as information to which Embassy the participant will refer to and who will be funding the participant’s trip.

Further details can be found on the Austrian MFA website: