“Promoting freedom of expression and a positive role of the media in combating gender stereotypes and violence against women” project

The Project “Promoting freedom of expression and a positive role of the media in combating gender stereotypes and violence against women” falls under the component of the South Programme III which aims at fostering exchanges and networking between the Southern Mediterranean and Europe in the area of combating violence against women.

It is a joint program between the European Union (EU) and the Council of Europe for a period of three years for the period 2018-2020.


  • Contribute to enhance media’s ability in the region to play their role in promoting gender equality and combat gender based violence/violence against women. Complement action towards the promotion of the Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) and other related initiatives in the field of gender equality at large.
  • Build bridges with actions undertaken by national partners (for instance the Tunisian and Moroccan audiovisual regulators) and share best practice at the regional level. Coordinate with other previous and ongoing actions supported by external partners working in the region (Med media project, Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, UNESCO etc.).

Main activities: regional workshops on the role of the media in the field of gender equality and the portrayal of women in the media