

Measures to avert/remedy the risks

State authorities responsible for tasks concerning the protection of journalists and other media actors are not duly informed about of their relevant human rights obligations and the specificities of the media sector.

  • Training for judges, prosecutors, LEAs is provided on a regular basis and encompasses, among others, their obligations under international human rights and humanitarian law, the important role played by journalists and other media actors in a democratic society, specific aspects of investigating attacks on journalists and of examination of such cases by courts, special protection needs of journalists and other media actors, including gender-specific issues.


  • NHRIs and journalists’ associations are involved, where appropriate, in the development of training programmes and in the provision of training to judges, prosecutors, LEAs.


"Freedom of expression is a right that is enshrined in the ECHR. Journalists have a role to play in that."


Reference texts and other relevant sources

Valuable practices and initiatives which provide guidance in this area

Suggestions for implementation