On Wednesday, 9 March 2022, from 2 pm to 3h30 pm CET, the Council of Europe’s Digital Development Unit will hold a webinar on the human rights and legal aspects of blockchain technology.

The event is organised around the study on the topic, commissioned by the Council of Europe and performed by prominent law and technology researchers:

  • Florence G'sell, University of Lorraine,
  • Florian Martin-Bariteau, University of Ottawa.

The authors of the study will reveal key takeaways from their draft research paper, including key policy considerations relevant for the Council of Europe.

The webinar will include a discussion around key arguments of the study, involving:

  • Souichirou Kozuka, Gakushuin University,
  • Michèle Finck, University of Tübingen,

If you’re interested, please register via this link and save the date in your calendar.

Concept note
