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Intercultural cities: good practice examples

The Intercultural city aims at building its policies and identity on the explicit acknowledgement that diversity can be a resource for the development of the society.

The first step is the adoption (and implementation) of strategies that facilitate positive intercultural encounters and exchanges, and promote equal and active participation of residents and communities in the development of the city, thus responding to the needs of a diverse population. The Intercultural integration policy model is based on extensive research evidence, on a range of international legal instruments, and on the collective input of the cities member of the Intercultural Cities programme that share their good practice examples on how to better manage diversity, address possible conflicts, and benefit from the diversity advantage.

This section offers examples of intercultural approaches that facilitate the development and implementation of intercultural strategies.

Template for collection of Good practices >>

Interreligious dialogue in Valladolid

Spain Valladolid 2019 - ongoing

Purpose: Promote attitudes of respect for religious diversity by involving representatives of religious communities in the representatives of religious communities in the shared management of...

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Schools for equality and diversity

Spain Barcelona Since 2014

Purpose: To promote a quality education system that is inclusive and promotes equal opportunities for all students. More precisely, to build capacity of teachers on the prevention of violence and...

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Roma inclusion policies in Reggio Emilia, Italy

Italy Reggio Emilia 2022

Purpose: The initiative aims to support the inclusion of the Roma community in Reggio Emilia by promoting intercultural interaction. Stimulus/Rationale: The city of Reggio Emilia has approximately...

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The Open Mosque Project – Increasing contact in the neighbourhood

Italy Turin 2018-ongoing

Purpose: The event “Open Mosques” allows people to meet and to get to know each other. The project’s primary objective is to open up the unknown – the space of the mosque – and thereby reduce...

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Multilingual health information

Portugal Lisbon 2018-2021

Purpose: The INFORMA em AÇÃO project aims to promote access to the SNS - National Health Service - by migrant communities and the improvement of the conditions in which it takes place, by...

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Εμφάνιση 181 - 185 από 363 αποτελέσματα.

0 International outlook