Bob W. White is Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Montreal in Canada and is director of the Laboratory for Research on Intercultural Relations (LABRRI). Since 2012 he has led a multi-sectoral research partnership on the dynamics of inclusion in Montreal. He is coordinator of the Quebec-based Network of Municipalities on Immigration and Intercultural Relations (RÉMIRI) and has worked with municipal administrations in Africa, Europe and North America to help mobilize the principles of intercultural policy in cities. His research has focused on intercultural communication, popular culture and collaborative research methodologies. He has published widely on pluralism, systems theory, public policy, and intercultural dynamics in cities. Bob White has been visiting professor at the École des hautes études en sciences (EHESS) in Paris, the University of Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) in Dakar, the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen and Meiji University in Tokyo. He is currently working on a general theory of intercultural communication.
Intercultural cities experts
A range of international experts participate to support the Intercultural cities programme.
Their tasks include, inter alia:
- Drafting analytical reports on cities’ results on the Intercultural cities’ index;
- Participating in monitoring visits and preparing reports such as the Intercultural profiles of member cities;
- Providing advice to cities in the context of the preparation of their intercultural strategies;
- Preparing thematic events and drafting reports and policy briefs based on the results;
- Providing advice and training in specific areas (eg myth-busting, intercultural competence, political communication);
- Providing policy advice in specific areas (education, culture, housing, economic development, social services, urban planning, impact evaluation etc.);
- Managing national intercultural cities networks;
- Designing and managing specific projects (eg. awareness campaigns).