Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers

High level conference concludes Albanian Chairmanship

Strasbourg, 08.11.2012 - "Diversity in Europe: a Strength for the Future" – the title of the high level conference in Tirana on 9 November – summarises the concept that has guided Council of Europe activities since Albania took over the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers in May. The conference will focus on dialogue with Mediterranean neighbours and the promotion of intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding, through education to democratic citizenship values.

Following a welcome speech by Edmond Panariti, Albanian Minister for Foreign Affairs and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers, Bujar Nishani, President of the Republic of Albania, Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe and Jorge Sampaio, UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilisations will address the inaugural session of the Conference.

The Conference will be followed by a meeting for the handover of the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers to Andorra.

Albanian Foreign Minister Edmond Panariti, Andorran Foreign Minister and incoming Chairman of the Committee of Ministers Gilbert Saboya, and Deputy Secretary General Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni will hold a press conference at 19:15, at the Hotel Sheraton Tirana. (more...)

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