Zurück Congress launches a curriculum on human rights and anti-discrimination for local authorities in Georgia

Congress launches a curriculum on human rights and anti-discrimination for local authorities in Georgia

The curriculum on human rights and anti-discrimination was launched in Georgia to equip local authorities with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives that are essential for advancing a human-rights based local democracy. Meeting in Tbilisi on 26 April 2024, the Forum of Exchange on Human Rights at Local Level in Georgia (a platform for dialogue comprising of 13 Georgian local authorities) presented this practical guide, co-created with local elected representatives, municipal staff, and the National Association of Local Authorities (NALAG), with the support of the Public Defender’s Office, in the framework of the Congress project.

“By enhancing local authorities’ awareness of international human rights standards, we aim to reinforce their capacity to champion inclusivity, equality, and participation in local governance”, stated Gudrun Mosler-Törnström, Standing Rapporteur on Human Rights of the Congress of the Council of Europe, at the opening of the Forum. The curriculum is a comprehensive tool designed to encourage and promote an intersectional approach to decision-making, taking into account the rights and needs of underrepresented groups,” she stressed, while commending the efforts of Georgian local authorities to promote sustainable change for inclusion, and noting that the impact of their contribution reaches far beyond Georgia. The curriculum covers key modules ranging from fundamental principles to sustainable implementation strategies, ensuring that local authorities are well-equipped to foster inclusive and rights-respecting communities.

On the same occasion, local authorities and the project partners shared insights on their perspectives and main interests for the next four years as well as on future direction of their endeavours in regard with the protection and promotion of human rights in their constituencies.

The event brought together local elected representatives and municipal staff, representatives of the National Association of Local Authorities, as well as the deputy Minister of Regional Development and Infrastructure and the First Deputy Public Defender of Georgia.

This event was co-organised with the National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia in the framework of the project “Strengthening Participatory Democracy and Human Rights at Local Level in Georgia”, implemented by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities and the Directorate General of Democracy and Human Dignity,, within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2020-2023 with the financial contribution of the Austrian Development Cooperation.


 One-pager presentation of Curriculum


Tbilisi, Georgia 26 April 2024
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