Atrás Stop sexual abuses of children in sport

Stop sexual abuses of children in sport

It is extremely shocking to learn about far too many cases of children who are being sexually abused in sport by people they trusted, by people they depended on, by people they believed in to strive for excellence and who betrayed them. Sexual abuses compromise children’s social development, affect the enjoyment of their rights and have devastating consequences on their mental and physical health, which are at times long-lasting.

If sport makes children strong and self-confident, it also represents an area of significant vulnerability for sexual harassment and abuse, given the close relationships developed between participants (peers, coaches, carers, etc.), the inherent physical contacts, and an organisational culture that often ignores, denies or even tolerate such problems. One should keep in mind that in 70 - 85% of cases, the perpetrator is a person known to the child and part of their “circle of trust”. The athlete’s “entourage” belongs to this circle and the prevention strategies should not turn a blind eye to the sport environment.

The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) of the Council of Europe is promoting safe sport environments for children from the very outset of its programmes. The on-going joint project between the European Union and the Council of Europe, entitled “Pro Safe Sport+: put an end to sexual harassment and abuse against children in sport” offers concrete training and campaigning tools to all those with a role to play in sport. For EPAS, such a contribution had to be made to the Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child 2016-2021. Indeed, an all-out effort must be made to stop child sexual abuse in sport. Governments (both authorities in charge of sport and in charge of child protection), together with sport organisations, should develop policies and measures to prevent and combat sexual harassment and abuses in sport. The competent networks of the Council of Europe are committed to support them.

Stanislas Frossard, Executive Secretary of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS)

Strasbourg 18 November 2017
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