Press release

About the Prize

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice

The 2015 edition of the European Crystal Scales of Justice Prize, organised by the Council of Europe, will be awarded  by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Mr Igor CRNADAK and by the Minister of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr Josip GRUBEŠA, on 23 October in Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), on the occasion of the European Day of Justice.

Mr Mato JOZIĆ, Minister of Justice of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Anton KASIPOVIĆ, Minister of Justice of the Serbian Republic and Mr Georg STAWA (Austria), President of the CEPEJ, will also participate to the ceremony, at the presence of the jury members of the Crystal Scales of Justice Prize, and of the representatives of the four shortlisted initiatives:

  • Court Administration of the Republic of Latvia, project "Recording of court hearings with technical means";
  • Dutch Legal Aid Board (The Netherlands), project "Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for Relational Disputes";
  • Judicial Institute for Scotland, project "The judicial HUB";
  • High Judicial Council of Serbia, project "Model Court Guideline for the Basic and Higher Courts in the Republic of Serbia".

The 2015 competition has been opened to all structures of the Council of Europe member States, with responsibilities related to the judicial field. Through the Crystal Scales of Justice Prize, innovative practices in the judicial field can be identified, disseminated and shared in terms of procedure management, organisation of courts and functioning of the judicial system in general.

English / Bosnian interpretation is provided. The ceremony is opened to the public and the press.

European Roundtable

Organised within the framework of the Chairmanship of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe and the European Day of Justice, this roundtable on "How to improve day-to-day functioning of courts towards a more efficient justice?" is proposed by the European Commission for the Efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) of  the  Council  of  Europe,  the  aim  of  which  is  the  improvement  of  the efficiency  and functioning of justice in its 47 member States.


Video about the European Day of Justice



[Au 01/07/2018]
