La vie de la Dacie impériale reconstituée dans un musée virtuel

Les affrontements du 2e siècle après Jésus‑Christ entre les armées romaine et dace sur le territoire de la Roumanie d’aujourd’hui n’ont guère laissé de traces si ce n’est une histoire de plus relative à l’expansion de l’Empire romain. Toutefois, le peu qu’il en reste nous offre aujourd’hui un...

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Reconstruire la « Silicon Valley » du XVIIIe siècle : une approche numérique de la révolution industrielle à Newcastle

Newcastle au XVIIIe siècle : L’industrie lourde prospère, les habitants des zones rurales affluent dans la ville à la recherche d’un emploi, d’un logement et d’une nouvelle vie. Nombre d’entre eux ont peur des nouvelles techniques et du bouleversement social qu’elles annoncent. Ils sont...

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National Museum of Sweden Releases 3,000 Digitised Artworks, More to Come

Anne Vallayer-Coster’s Portrait of a Violinist, Alexander Roslin’s 1768 masterpiece The Lady with the Veil and the 1603 Interior of a Baroque Church by Bartholomeus Bassen are just some of Swedish art gems available in the Sweden’s National Museum online database. Open to everyone’s gaze, these...

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Electronic Paper Displays at Estonia’s National Museum Help Voice the Ugro-Finish Past

Since the Estonian National Museum building was repurposed by the Soviet army during the World War II, many of its collections of Ugro-Finish culture have been silently waiting to tell their story. Numerous artefacts, works of art and everyday items witnessing the folk culture and everyday life...

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British Film Institute to Digitally Reinvent 100,000 Classic TV Shows

Growing up in the Great Britain of the 70’s and 80’s was often intrinsically connected to quirky characters from early British TV comedies or insightful remarks from various children’s shows. With documentaries and dramas serving the older audience groups, the rich programme of the up and coming...

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British Library Embraces Digitisation to Make Shakespeare Relatable to Digital Natives

Describing the bygone era of rigid Elizabethan norms and often even bordering on fantasy, Shakespeare’s plays may be too much to swallow for the average 21st century reader. This is particularly true for young people, most of whom struggle to understand his socially and politically complex plots,...

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On Art and Algorithms, a Blend that Draws Digital Audience to the World of Culture

On Art and Algorithms, a Blend that Draws Digital Audience to the World of Culture When ING Bank and J. Walter Thompson unveiled “The Next Rembrandt” in April 2016, a painting that would have even Rembrandt scratching his head trying to remember, the idea of using digital technology to recreate...

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Georgia is Looking to Launch a Large-Scale Film Heritage Digitisation Project

As one of the first provinces of the old Russian Empire to have a dedicated cinema studio, Georgia has one of the longest film traditions in Europe. At the beginning of the 20th century, its capital Tbilisi had as many cinema houses as St Petersburg and was a home to numerous filmmakers, artists...

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La numérisation pour lever le voile sur des aspects méconnus de l’histoire de Malte

Grâce au Projet de numérisation des archives privées de Malte, des lettres du XVIIe siècle de Giovanni Pio de Piro, premier baron de Budaq et premier marquis de Piro, sont désormais accessibles en ligne, reproduites dans leur version d’origine sur papier ancien décoloré. L’Archivum de Piro, qui...

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A Ripper victim comes to Life in the Police Museum’s Virtual Reality Project

Since Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman’s 1959 big screen production of the Whitechapel murders narrative, London’s notorious killer Jack the Ripper has been a protagonist of different cinematic recreations. And while most of them managed to properly depict the spirit of the 19th century London or...

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Drama Goes Digital: Bringing European Theatre Closer to Online Communities

Be it though smartphone apps, streaming media or 3D effects, digital technology has creeped into the modern theatre a while ago. Artists and art directors have been experimenting with technology for years to use enrich their work, revitalise theatrical performance, and make theatre more relevant...

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Safeguarding People’s Privacy Online Central to EU Commission’s Next Generation Internet Initiative

The ubiquity of smart technologies has pushed both individuals and organisations towards the virtual space as the ultimate source of information. Yet, as Roberto Viola, Director General of DG Connect, cleverly notes: “Today, even if omnipresent and intensively used, many Europeans still have some...

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Transcription of Archival Documents Reinvented

Prior to the emergence of Handwritten Text Recognition technology, historic manuscripts would often take years to be transcribed. Complex handwritings, arbitrary text layouts and unusual writing styles were all impediments to researchers reading and interpreting historic texts with certainty. To...

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Un nouveau projet de numérisation au Danemark ressuscite un couple royal russe

Les craquements d’un vieil enregistrement sur cylindre de cire ont un pouvoir évocateur fort et nous plongent immédiatement dans le passé. De nombreux enregistrements de ce type ont été numérisés à la Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire du Danemark, pour mieux comprendre certains pans de...

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New Study Reveals Key Audience Engagement Strategies for Museums

A vibrant hallway echoing with voices of tour guides and the silent steps of visitors is no longer the principal association of a museum experience. Contemporary cultural institutions have moved a long way from expecting their visitors only to consume passively the information on art and history...

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Digital Cultural Heritage vital for shaping future Smart Cities

The rapidly evolving civic technology such as smart street lights and traffic-tracking sensors has already helped build cities resembling those that previously existed in science fiction novels only. By 2050, when it is estimated that 70% of the world’s population will be urban, these futuristic...

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Symphonologie Project Blends Art and Big Data to Highlight Agitations of the Modern World

One of the most thrilling aspects of technology is its ability to recreate familiar concepts in unexpected ways. Classical music performances can be visually or auditorily enhanced to give a new form to music that has existed for centuries. On the 20th September, the world’s largest museum and...

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