Retour Training of trainers course on anti-discrimination delivered

© Council of Europe

© Council of Europe

Four Training of trainers seminars on anti –discrimination took place in Tirana in close co-operation with national training institutions such as the School of Magistrates, the School of Advocates, the Security Academy and the Albanian School of Public Administration. Around 55 staff members from public administration, police, judges and court staff, prosecutors, lawyers benefitted from these ToT courses.

The training aimed at raising awareness of persons working in public administration on the phenomena of discrimination, including patterns of structural discrimination. It contributed to making participants capable of recognizing cases of discrimination, of handling such cases in their daily work and made them aware of where to address cases that need further attendance, (to the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, the NGOs, courts, police).The training course gave appropriate attention to issues of ensuring access to services provided by the public administration without discrimination; as well as to how policies and services can be designed in a way that prevents further discrimination and/or promotes equality of opportunities.

The training materials were based on the HELP online training material on anti-discrimination for legal and non-legal professionals and were adapted to the needs of these professionals, keeping in mind the fact that a number of participants from ministries, local government units and police did not necessarily have a legal background.

The training courses took place under the EU/CoE joint project “Enhancing the effectiveness of the Albanian system of Human Rights Protection and Anti-discrimination”.

Tirana 21-24 November 2017 & 11-14 December 2017
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