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Retour Call for participants - International Youth Camp “Dialogue”

Call for participants - International Youth Camp “Dialogue”

The Council of Europe Youth Department and the National Youth Council of Russia are co-organising the X International Youth Camp “Dialogue” to be held from 3 to 9 August 2019 (including arrival and departure days) at the Tourist-cultural centre “Ethnomir” (Kaluga region, Russian Federation).

The Dialogue Camp will bring together more than 200 youth leaders and youth workers from a wide range of ethnic, religious and cultural background from Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States countries and different regions of the Russian Federation. The focus of the camp in 2019 will be the development of competences of youth workers and exchange of practices of youth NGOs working in the area of intercultural dialogue in order to emphasise the role of youth NGOs in promoting the culture of peace and preventing extremism, discrimination and exclusion in the society.

The camp is a part of the 2019 Programme of activities of the Framework Programme on co-operation between the Council of Europe and the Russian Federation in the youth field.

All interested candidates from the states party to the European Cultural Convention (other than the Russian Federation) are invited to apply by 3 pm (CET) on 25 June 2019 by filling in the online application form available at https://youthapplications.coe.int/Application-forms

All interested candidates from the Russian Federation are invited to complete an online application form by 10 am (Moscow time) on 10 July 2019: https://forms.gle/LSXwRtavSvJNeKYm6

  Presentation of the Camp

Kaluga region, Russian Federation 3 - 9 August 2019
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