Retour The latest on prevention and international co-operation in fighting smuggling of migrants

The latest on prevention and international co-operation in fighting smuggling of migrants

The Council of Europe has published conclusive observations on the prevention and international co-operation and investigative strategies in fighting the smuggling of migrants. In its conclusions on international co-operation, the Working Group focused on: data-collection and research; law enforcement, prosecutorial and judicial co-operation; co-operation with non-CoE member States; “new” and innovative forms of cooperation; and, knowledge sharing. “Migrant smugglers have a remarkable capacity to adapt to new situations and regulations. Similarly, international co-operation must evolve its approach and boost its efforts in setting-up concrete and proactive strategies. Instruments of mutual legal assistance (MLA) allow States to afford each other the widest measure of support with a view to gathering evidence, hearing witnesses, experts and prosecuted persons”, the working group said. The observations concerning prevention of smuggling of migrants focused on: data-collection and research; awareness raising; deterring migrant smugglers; and the synergy between smuggling of migrants and legal avenues of migration. “Profiling and deterring smugglers is a fundamental aspect of prevention strategies. A comprehensive collection of literature, legislation and cases from relevant jurisdictions would give an insight into the profile of smugglers and their motivations”, said the working group on prevention of smuggling of migrants. Follow-up meetings will take place to discuss in further details how to translate their observations in concrete Council of Europe’s actions.

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