The Project on “Enhancing the systems of prevention and combating corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing in Georgia” (PGG II-GE) represents one of the six projects which constitute the second phase of the EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance (PGG) programme interventions to support Eastern Partnership countries to counter economic crime. The project builds upon outcomes of actions implemented since 2015 to counter money laundering and terrorist financing, in addition the current project will have an added focus on combatting corruption. The project has been designed to contribute to the EU 2020 targets set out in priority area “Strengthening the rule of law and anti-corruption mechanisms,” and is aligned with the cooperation priorities identified in the EU-Georgia Action Plan, EU-Georgia Association Agenda, and Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2016-2019.

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen capacities of fight and prevent economic crime, in particular corruption, money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/FT) in accordance with European and other international standards. Project expected results and specific activities have been set pursuant to country needs and an agreed approach in providing assistance in this field. The Project focuses on the following areas:

Assistance activities in each field include assessments, provision of expert advice, workshops, trainings, and roundtables. The activity results are documented in technical papers, handbooks, or other written output which are available on the Project website. As the key actor in this thematic area and the EaP region, the Council of Europe, and more specifically the Department of Action against Crime, through its Economic Crime and Cooperation Division (ECCD) is in-charge of implementing activities under this Project.

Senior Project Officer, Tea Zarnadze

[email protected]