Veselībpratība bērniem veselīga dzīvesveida veicināšanai – Rumānija

Aptaukošanās ir viens no nopietnākajiem sabiedrības veselības izaicinājumiem. Aptaukošanās un ar to saistītās slimības ir lielā mērā novēršamas, ja uz tām reaģē jau no bērnības. Tāpēc bērnu aptaukošanās novēršana ir prioritāte. Mērķis un uzdevumi: “Vecmāmiņas veselības soma. Veselīgas...

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Vecāka gadagājuma cilvēku ar atšķirīgu neatkarības līmeni aprūpētāju veselībpratība – Itālija

Mērķis un uzdevumi: Mūsdienās daudzi vecāka gadagājuma cilvēku ar dažāda līmeņa fiziskām un/vai garīgām problēmām tiek aprūpēti mājās. Viņiem ir vajadzīga palīdzība ievērojamā ikdienas dzīves daļā, ko parasti nodrošina kāds ģimenes loceklis vai profesionāls aprūpētājs. Abos gadījumos aprūpētāja...

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Veselībpratība kā obligāts mācību priekšmets skolā – Somija

Mērķis un uzdevumi: Veselībpratība, tai skaitā arī kritiskā domāšana, tiek apgūta skolā īpašā obligātā mācību priekšmetā ar nosaukumu “Veselības izglītība”. Mērķa grupa: Sākumskolas un vidusskolas skolēni. Metode: 1.–6. klašu grupā veselības izglītība tiek apgūta kā patstāvīga daļa mācību...

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Digitālās izglītības un pratības apgūšana, izmantojot caurviju tēmas dažādos mācību priekšmetos – Vācija

Mērķis un uzdevumi: Pamatojoties uz Vācijas izglītības nozares stratēģiju, visām skolām ir jāsagatavo skolēni digitālajai transformācijai. Valsts līmenī digitālās izglītības un digitālās pratības stratēģijas izpaužas medijpratības kompetences ietvarā un mācību programmā. Mērķa grupa: Skolēni ...

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National Action Plan on Health Literacy – Germany

Aim and objectives: The development of the National Action Plan on Health Literacy was triggered by results of the first German study on health literacy which showed that more than half of the German population perceive great problems in processing health information. In response, a group of 15...

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Making it Easier. Health Literacy Action Plan – UK (Scotland)

Aim and objectives: “Making it easier”, which is Scotland’s second action plan on health literacy developed by the NHS, sets out an action plan for improving health literacy in Scotland 2017-2025. The first plan was titled “Making it easy”. The action plan aims to remove barriers and prevent...

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Health literacy Action Plan 2022-2026 – Türkiye

Aim and objectives: To increase nationwide levels of health literacy by developing necessary cognitive and social skills to access, understand and use health-related information in order to improve their health and maintain good health. Objectives: to develop and implement assessment scales...

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Improving health literacy – Portugal

Aim and objectives: In Portugal, the national action plan on health literacy aims to reach different parts of the population, including, for example, immigrant populations and temporary residents. The national action plan was launched after a survey revealed that up to 40% of the population had...

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Strategy to improve health literacy in the population 2019-2023 – Norway

Aim and objectives: The aim of the strategy is to increase the health literacy of the population in Norway. It is targeted at health and social professionals, decision-makers, and managers as well as patient organisations and other relevant stakeholders. It pursues a cross-sectoral approach, in...

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Health literacy as a national health goal – Austria

Aim and objectives: In 2012, the Austrian Council of Ministers approved ten comprehensive targets to improve determinants of health in the sense of Health in All Policies. Health target number 3 aimed to enhance health literacy in the population. Method: A working group consisting of 30...

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Digital health system – Estonia

Aim and objectives: Estonia’s health service has been digital for 12 years. More than 99% of the data generated by hospitals and doctors is digitised. Target group: Citizens can access their own medical records via a super-secure online portal and choose who gets to look at those records. ...

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My Health Space: making patients real players in the management of their health data – France

Aim and objectives: The aim is to make a single digital portal available to all persons affiliated to the social security system. The portal is fed input directly by health professionals thanks to a system of interoperability with the software they use. My Health Space enables users to better...

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eHealth portal – Denmark

Aim and objectives: There is an urgent need to break down industry silos and increase collaboration to drive progress towards a patient-centric and cost-effective model. Denmark has been at the forefront of many IT initiatives within health services. The majority of these initiatives are based...

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Shared decision-making tools and guidelines – UK

Aim and objectives: Shared decision-making is a joint process in which a healthcare professional works together with a person to reach a decision about care. It involves choosing tests and treatments based both on evidence and on the person's individual preferences, beliefs and values. Target...

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Integration of patients’ and health care professionals’ different domains of knowledge for shared decision making in treatment discussion – Finland

Aim and objectives: Integrating the knowledge pools of professionals’ medical knowledge and patients’ experiential knowledge when negotiating treatment in health care encounters. The domains of knowledge or “knowledge pools” into which patients and health care professionals are entitled to have...

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Professional interpreting in health for liberal doctors (all specialties) and liberal midwives in the North-East territory - France

Aim and objectives: The lack of knowledge of the French language by patients during medical consultations is an obstacle to quality care. Promoting understanding during exchanges between health professionals and patients thus allows: improving access to prevention, screening and medical care;...

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Improving literacy in the use of prescription medication – Türkiye

The establishment of the “Unit of Patient Education for Medicine Use” is an example of a local health literacy project in Şanlıurfa Training and Research Hospital, which is located in the province of Ş.Urfa in the southeastern Anatolian region of Türkiye. Aim and objectives: To ensure correct...

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Informing patients diagnosed with an illness (Cancer Plan) – France

Aim and objectives: The system to inform patients diagnosed with an illness was a measure introduced in the early 2000s, as part of the first cancer plan. The aim of this system (which responds to a request made by patients in the context of general meetings with them) is to provide patients...

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Literacy Audit for Healthcare Settings – Ireland

Aim and objectives: This audit, prepared by the National Adult Literacy Agency, seeks to make the Irish health service literacy friendly where both the skills of individuals and the literacy demands of the health service are analysed. It envisions a health service where literacy is not a barrier...

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Health care professionals working in nursing homes – Italy

Aim and objectives: Health care professionals working in nursing homes, in direct contact with fragile and dependent older persons, are essential for access to appropriate care for those with comorbidities and insufficient family support. Staff working in these settings have specific roles and...

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Essential Elements


Health literacy good practices
Access to appropriate care
Access to digital spaces
Access to valid health information
Communication between individuals
Health literacy policy, mobilisation and capacity building
Shared decision-making
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Czech Republic
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Republic of Moldova
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