Назад Secretary General expresses condolences over loss of lives in English Channel

Secretary General expresses condolences over loss of lives in English Channel

In response to the deadliest disaster in the English Channel this year, Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić expressed her condolences to the victims' families.

“Yesterday, six children, a pregnant woman, and five other women and men lost their lives in the English Channel. These victims are yet further examples of the immense human suffering that occurs in the seas and on the shores of Europe, today.  My heartfelt sympathies go to the friends and families of those who have died. I also add my voice to those expressing appreciation for the work of the emergency teams, who have so far reportedly rescued more than 50 people.

“At the Council of Europe Reykjavik Summit in 2023, the Heads of State and Government reiterated 'the necessity to fight against trafficking and smuggling of migrants’ and committed to 'intensifying efforts to foster and improve international cooperation in this regard'. A strong collective effort is required to dismantle the criminal smuggling networks and protect the fundamental rights of migrants. The Council of Europe stands ready to support its member states in achieving this.”

Secretary General Strasbourg 4 September 2024
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