Назад Database of refugees


A database to protect private data and speed up the stream of information between different departments.


For a long time, data about refugees in Erlangen were separately and independently collected different institutions, which led to tremendous information loss and additional workload.


As an answer, the Executive Department for Refugee Coordination decided in spring 2016 to establish a central database that was developed in cooperation with an IT-company run by students of the university of Erlangen. The system was designed to protect private data: only a few institutional actors have access to few specific data, according to the relevance of the information for the individual institution.

Information about origin, gender, occupation, alphabetisation, possession of driving licenses and much more is collected in the database.

Involved institutions include the consulting service for migrants and asylum seekers of the Worker’s Welfare Association and the worker’s Samaritan foundation, the employment office, the job Centre, the vocational school, the social assistance office, the adult education centre, the office for statistics and others.

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