Exchange of views at the Committee of Ministers on the abolition of the death penalty focused on the situation in Belarus

25 September Strasbourg

On 25 September, the Minister Deputies had a thematic exchange of views on the abolition of the death penalty which was focused on the situation in Belarus, the only country in Europe which still applies this inhuman punishment. Three speakers representing the democratic forces and the civil...

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Workshop Death is not Justice – youth advocacy and awareness-raising for the abolition of the death penalty in Africa

24-27 June 2024 Cidade Velha, Cabo Verde

The Council of Europe, in cooperation with its civil society partners “Ensemble contre la peine de mort” (ECPM) and Prison Insider, prepared and conducted the workshop Death is not Justice – youth advocacy and awareness-raising for the abolition of the death penalty in Africa. This workshop took...

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2nd workshop "Death is not Justice – youth advocacy and awareness-raising for the abolition of the death penalty" in Strasbourg

19-21 June 2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe, in collaboration with its civil society partners “Ensemble contre la peine de mort” (ECPM) and the German Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, organised the workshop “Death is not Justice – youth advocacy and awareness-raising for the abolition of the death penalty” on...

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Presentation on the CoE’s work on the Abolition of the death penalty to National Preventive Mechanisms

4 June 2024 Strasbourg

In the framework of a workshop of the European National Preventive Mechanisms (NPM) Forum on “Monitoring rights and material conditions of detention of persons held in pre-trial detention and other subjects”, held on 4-5 June 2024 at the Council of Europe, a presentation was made to NPMs on 4...

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Advancing the Abolition of the Death Penalty Among the Belarusian population : Workshop in Vilnius

30-31 May 2024 Vilnius/ Lithuania

A training workshop on the advancement of the issue of abolition of the death penalty in Belarus among Belarusian society, including diaspora, took place in Vilnius, Lithuania from 30-31 May. Organised as part of the activities under the Council of Europe’s Contact group for Belarus, and in...

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Round table on Prospects and interregional cooperation for the abolition of death penalty, and award of the North-South Prize to Ms Amina Bouayach

20 May 2024 Lisbon

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe organised a round table on 20 May at the Institute of Political Studies of the Universidade Catolica in Lisbon entitled "Prospects and interregional co-operation for the abolition of the death penalty". This roundtable inaugurated the "North-South...

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Exchange of views of the Committee of Ministers with civil society on the Abolition of the death penalty

10 April 2024 STRASBOURG

The Ministers’ Deputies held a thematic discussion on the Abolition of the death penalty on April 10, 2024, with the participation of representatives from civil society. The Presidency of Liechtenstein underlined its long-standing commitment on the abolition, and shared a video message of Ms...

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Informal exchange with civil society on the death penalty in the framework of a seminar of the Group of French-speaking Ambassadors

22 MARCH 2024 Strasbourg

In the Framework of a seminar of the Group of French-speaking Ambassadors and the two secretariats of the Council of Europe and of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (OIF) on the co-operation programme between the two organisations, an informal exchange on advocacy against the...

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Deadline for receipt of applications: 25 March 2024

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – 2nd Workshop Youth advocacy and campaigning for the abolition of the death penalty

23 February 2024 Strasbourg

For the attention of young volunteers, students or active members of civil society, including participants of the 2023 edition of the workshop: Are you between 18 and 30 years old? Are you a citizen and/or living in one of the Council of Europe member states? Are you a student of law, journalism,...

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The Council of Europe pays tribute to Robert Badinter


The Council of Europe learned with great sadness the passing away of Mr Robert Badinter on 9 February 2024. The Ministers’ Deputies paid tribute to Mr Badinter during their meeting on 14 February 2024 . A book of condolences has also been opened at the Council of Europe. The Secretary General of...

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— 10 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 10 of 36 results.

© Salsabila Lalienne, Laureate of the 5th international competition “Draw me abolition” organised by ECPM and the International Education Network on Abolition


Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law


