Back CORRIGENDUM- Call for proposals – CSO grants for supporting women’s access to justice in Türkiye

CORRIGENDUM- Call for proposals – CSO grants for supporting women’s access to justice in Türkiye

Within the framework of the action on “Fostering women’s access to justice in Türkiye” implemented under the joint European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE) Programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye” (Horizontal Facility), the CoE is launching a call for grants, open to applications of civil society organisations (CSOs) registered and operating in Türkiye.


The action plans to deliver minimum three (3) grants to national and local CSOs of a maximum amount of 15 000 Euros (fifteen thousand Euros) each for their projects/initiatives supporting women’s access to justice and increasing their legal awareness. The duration of the proposed projects/initiatives should be from six months to one year.


The grants will fund projects designed to support women in their access to justice, increasing their legal awareness and literacy, empowering them to claim their rights and report violations, and seek support and justice through available legal remedies and services, including legal aid, while preferably seeking co-operation with local partners including local bar association(s).


The proposed applications should focus on empowering and supporting women as right-holders, especially groups of women in vulnerable or disadvantaged situation such as women victims of gender-based violence, victims of the earthquakes in February 2023, refugees, migrants, Roma women and girls, women living in rural areas etc.


Project proposals shall aim to produce an added value to the outcomes of the action on “Fostering women’s access to justice in Türkiye” and the European Union/Council of Europe efforts in this domain.


Documents to be submitted


  • the completed and signed Application Form (See Appendix I);
  • a provisional budget (using the template reproduced in Appendix II);
  • the other required documents (in English):
    • List of previous projects/actions implemented in Türkiye with information on the budget, period, purpose and content of the project/action indicated;
    • Letter of intention indicating that the bar association is willing to support the civil society organisations (CSOs) in its activities under the project/action, in case a co-operation is foreseen with a local bar association(s);
    • Registration certificate as a civil society organisation or a similar proof of registration;
    • Statute of the organisation(s), or equivalent;
    • Authorisation of the legal representative to act on behalf of the applicant;
    • Document demonstrating that the CSO has a bank account;
    • CVs of the key staff involved in the implementation of a proposed grant project/action;
    • Operating account record for the past 4 years ;
    • Declaration on the exclusion criteria signed and stamped (Appendix IV).


Grant applications should be submitted in English, with the exception of “registration certificate as a civil society organisation or a similar proof of registration, document demonstrating that the applicant has a bank account, and operating account record for the past 4 years” which may be submitted in Turkish. Applications only in Turkish will be considered ineligible.

Corrigendum: Operating account record for the past 4 years is included in the documents to be submitted in Turkish.

The deadline for applications is 3 June 2024 (at 17.00 GMT + 3). The application form, provisional budget and the supporting documents, must be submitted in electronic form (Word and/or PDF) to the following e-mail address:

Emails should contain the following reference in subject: HF33 - WA2J – CSO for Grants.


Questions regarding this call for proposals must be sent at the latest two weeks before the deadline for applications, by 20 May 2024 in English or Turkish, and shall be exclusively sent to the following address:, with the following reference in subject: Question - HF33 - WA2J – CSO for Grants.

The responses to the questions submitted in due course will be published on the website of the CoE Programme Office Ankara, on the same page as this call for proposals.


Indicative timetable


Indicative timing

Publication of the call


Deadline for submitting applications


Information to applicants on the results of the award procedure


Signature of the grant agreements


Implementation period

01.07.2024- 01.07.2025


Questions and Answers

Call for proposals

Appendix I - Application Form

Appendix II - Provisional budget (Template)

Appendix III - Template Grant Agreement (for information only)

Appendix IV- Declaration on the exclusion criteria




Ankara 29 April 2024
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