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Ongoing development of staff Training programme on discipline and rewards for prisoners in Türkiye

Following the second Working Group (WG) meeting in February 2024 on the preparation of a training programme for prison staff on maintaining effective discipline and implementing a reward mechanism for prisoners in line with the Council of Europe standards, the third meeting was organised in Bolu on May 2024 and validate the draft modules, eight lesson plans, and training materials prepared by international and national consultants with input from the working group members. The meeting brought together 20 specialists including representatives from the Directorate General for Prisons and Detention Houses, prison directors and staff, social workers, prison teachers and psychologists guided by three Council of Europe international consultants and national academic advisors.

All participants were actively involved in the discussion and demonstration of the course sessions. The lesson plans and materials were validated during the meeting. The remaining lesson plans will be validated in a further working group meeting to be organised in July 2024, which will  be followed by organisation of a Training of Trainers and piloting of the training programmes.

This WG meeting was organised within the scope of the Project on "Enhancing the Disciplinary and Reward Procedures for Prisoners in Türkiye” co-funded by Norway, the Human Rights Trust Fund of the Council of Europe, Belgium, Türkiye, and the Netherlands.

Bolu 6-8 May 2024
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