A workshop titled Solution Proposals for the Turkish Administrative Justice System and International Practices was held on in hybrid format in Ankara, on 14 December 2022. This event was organised under the European Union / Council of Europe Joint Project on Improving the Effectiveness of the Administrative Judiciary and Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Council of State (ImEAJ).
The workshop addressed two main topics. Firstly, discussions took place relating to the solution proposals deemed as useful, regarding issues observed in the administrative judiciary in the framework of the project. Secondly, the administrative judiciary reform proposals by the Council of State and Ministry of Justice were examined. As a result of the workshop, a list of recommendations was established.
In order to provide a platform for exchange of opinions in which the findings of the study visits in Paris, Berlin, Leipzig, Munich and Strasbourg, to be shared for application in Türkiye, the workshop hosted the participants of the study visits, and the presidents of administrative and tax courts, chambers of regional administrative courts and Council of State.
The event allowed for a multi-faceted analysis, including the different perspectives within the administrative justice community, of the challenges faced in different instances of administrative judiciary. It also provided an opportunity to create a concrete list of recommendations to be considered during the reform processes, including areas to be improved in the domestic law, administrative and court practices.
The workshop report will be prepared and shared with the project stakeholders.
The EU-CoE Joint Project on Improving the Effectiveness of the Administrative Judiciary and Strengthening the Institutional Capacity of the Council of State is co-funded by the European Union, the Council of Europe and the Republic of Türkiye, and implemented by the Council of Europe. The Turkish Ministry of Justice - Directorate General for Legal Affairs is the end beneficiary of the Project. The Central Finance and Contracts Unit is the contracting authority of this Project.