Fostering Women’s Access to Justice in Turkey
New publications on women's access to justice now available online
Within the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe’s joint action on “Fostering women’s access to justice in Turkey”, several publications were developed and some of the publications were translated into Turkish. The availability of these publications will allow legal practitioners,...
Research report on women's access to justice in Türkiye presented at closing ceremony of European Union and Council of Europe joint action
Access to justice is a multi-faceted concept linking the protection of fundamental rights and the effective provision of justice to everyone, without any kind of discrimination, including gender discrimination. It entails obligations on the state to ensure the accessibility, equality and...
New HELP Course on “Access to justice for women” is now available!
The course “Access to justice for women” in Turkish language” has been published on the HELP (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals Programme) platform providing the latest developments at both Council of Europe and European Union level. The European Union and Council of Europe’s joint...
Civil society organisations working on women's rights came together on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Domestic violence against women is a human rights violation that knows no geographical, age, race or class boundaries. The European Union and the Council of Europe’s joint actions “Fostering women’s access to justice in Turkey” and “ROMACTED-II Promoting Good Governance and Roma Empowerment at...
Training on Strategic Litigation for Women’s Rights
Legal aid and assistance play a vital role in eliminating the barriers and supporting women to exercise their rights as equal citizens. In this respect, the European Union and the Council of Europe’s joint action on “Fostering women’s access to justice in Turkey” has organised a two-day...
Project Information
Title of the Action: Fostering Women’s Access to Justice in Turkey
Duration: 15 months (1 October 2021- 31 December 2022)
Place/Country: Turkey
The Union of Bar Associations of Turkey
Budget: 945,000 €
Funding: This Action is implemented under the Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey II (2019-2022),and is a joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe (85% funded by the European Union, 15% by the Council of Europe).
Project Description
The action on “Fostering women’s access to justice in Turkey”, implemented under the European Union and Council of Europe’s joint “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, aims to strengthen women’s access to justice in Turkey in line with international and European standards. The action is contributing to enhancing accessibility and quality of legal aid services for women and supporting key stakeholders, including civil society, to facilitate women’s access to justice in Turkey.
The action will contribute to following specific objectives:
- Improving the gender responsiveness of legal aid services to effectively respond to the needs of women.
- Enhancing legal aid access for women, including through working with legal aid lawyers and civil society.
- Increasing legal literacy and awareness among women, especially groups of women in vulnerable situation.
Expected Results
- Knowledge generated among key stakeholders on barriers for women's access to justice and legal aid services in Turkey and on how to remove them.
- Enhanced quality and gender responsiveness of legal aid services through capacity building of legal aid professionals.
- Provision of legal aid and assistance to women in selected communities, including those from vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, by lawyers trained on gender-sensitive and victim-centred approaches.
- Increased awareness and knowledge among women on their legal rights, how to exercise them and on available legal remedies and services, including legal aid and support services.
- Increased awareness and understanding among key stakeholders, including judicial and statistical authorities, on measuring women's access to justice and legal aid.
Project Activities
To achieve the expected results the action foresees the following activities:
- A research/study on the reality of barriers of women’s access to justice and legal aid in Turkey with recommendations and ways forward
- Providing legal aid to women, particularly to those from disadvantaged groups, by trained lawyers, in selected provinces
- Capacity building programmes for legal aid lawyers and law students, on women’s access to justice, including training of trainers and online tutored training through Council of Europe HELP Programme (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals).
- Guidelines/checklist for lawyers providing legal aid for women.
- Seminar and publication on measuring women’s access to justice and legal aid through a seminar sharing European standards and promising practices
- Targeted outreach and awareness raising workshops, seminars, materials, publications, and translations.
The Action is implemented by:
- The Capacity Building and Co-operation Projects Unit at the Council of Europe’s Gender Equality Division:
Marta BECERRA, Head of Unit
Senem Gurol, Project Manager
- together with the Council of Europe Office in Ankara

Project News
New publications on women's access to justice now available online
New publications on women's access to justice now available online
New HELP Course on “Access to justice for women” is now available!
Training on Strategic Litigation for Women’s Rights
Improving the Gender Perspective in Measuring and Monitoring Access to Justice in Türkiye
Register now: International seminar on “Measuring and monitoring women’s access to justice”
Increasing women’s legal literacy in Türkiye
European Union and Council of Europe to support improvement of women’s access to justice
Second Steering Committee meeting of the Action on “Fostering women’s access to justice in Turkey”
Key stakeholders discuss how to improve women’s access to legal aid and assistance
Four civil society organisations awarded grants to increase women’s legal awareness in Turkey
Increasing legal aid lawyers’ awareness on women’s access to justice in Turkey
Call for tenders: Purchase of communication and visibility services in Turkey
New tutors to run HELP courses on women’s human rights in Turkey
Call for tenders: Procurement of printing and publication services
Call for proposals- NGO grants on supporting women’s access to justice in Turkey
The impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on women’s access to justice
Call on ending violence against women and make justice more accessible for women
Launch of a new project on women’s access to justice in Turkey
Project Publications and Resources
Report CSO Meeting WAJ ROMACTED Seher Kırbaş Canikoglu 25Nov2022
Understanding Barriers to Women's Access to Justice and Legal Aid in Türkiye
Handbook on Strategic Litigation in the Area of Women's Rights
Handbook for Legal Aid Lawyers on Women's Access to Justice
Women's Access to Justice-A Guide For Legal Practitioners
Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice
Project Videos