Back Launching Conference for the new EU/CoE Joint Project

Launching Conference for the new EU/CoE Joint Project

Launching Conference for the new EU/CoE Joint Project

“Supporting the Individual Application to the Constitutional Court in Turkey”

The European Union-Council of Europe Joint Project on “Supporting the Individual Application System to the Constitutional Court in Turkey” was launched on 1 March 2016, in Ankara.

The presentation of the project by Ms Tatiana Termacic, Head of Human Rights National Implementation Division of the Council of Europe was followed by the speeches by Mr Philippe Boillat, the Director General of the Human Rights and Rule of Law of the Council of Europe, Mr Béla Szombati, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Turkey and Mr Zühtü Arslan, the President of the Constitutional Court of Turkey.

In the afternoon sessions of the conference, representatives of the Court of Cassation, the Council of State, the Ministry of Justice, the High Council of Judges and Prosecutors, the Military Court of Cassation, the High Military Administrative Court, the Union of Turkish Bar Associations and the Justice Academy delivered speeches to express the views of stakeholders for an effective individual application system. A total of 250 representatives from supreme judicial authorities, the Turkish Grand National Assembly, ministries, embassies and press attended the event.

The project which aims to support the individual application to Turkish Constitutional Court by empowering the judiciary in Turkey in line with the acquis, the rights and freedoms guaranteed under the system of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Turkish Constitution will last for 36 months and end in December, 2018.


Sheraton Ankara,Turkey 01 March 2016
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