Back Important publications from the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) now available in Turkish

Important publications from the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) now available in Turkish

With the support of the joint European Union/Council of Europe action “Strengthening the human rights protection of migrants and victims of human trafficking in Turkey”, four documents which will help the authorities in meeting their obligations under the Council of Europe Convention on Action Against Trafficking have been translated into Turkish.

The Guidance Note on the entitlement of victims of trafficking, and persons at risk of being trafficked, to international protection, analyses the application of the principles of international protection in the context of human trafficking, building upon earlier UNHCR guidelines. It highlights the criteria that may entitle victims of trafficking, as well as those at risk of being trafficked, to international protection, including complementary protection. It further aims to provide guidance for relevant authorities, agencies and organisations in their dealings with trafficked people and those at risk of being trafficked, with the objective that no such person should be compelled to return to their own country if such return would threaten their lives or freedom and jeopardise their rights, in particular the right not to be subjected to slavery, forced labour or servitude and the right not to be subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment.

Based on the Article 3 of the antitrafficking Convention, the Thematic Chapter of the GRETA’s 8th General Report on “Assistance to victims of trafficking” provides an analysis of measures to assist victims in their physical, psychological and social recovery, taking into account their safety and protection needs.

The Compendium of good practices in addressing trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation, highlights effective measures taken by parties to the Convention to prevent and combat trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation, providing food for thought and direction in their future efforts. The compendium served as the basis for the elaboration of a Guidance Note on preventing and combating human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation. The Guidance Note covers a range of issues, including the concept of “exploitation” within the criminalisation of human trafficking, the role of labour inspections, targeted prevention for at-risk groups, the identification of victims, their access to assistance and effective remedies, and building criminal cases of trafficking for labour exploitation. Particular attention is paid to measures to discourage demand, including through public-private partnerships, public procurement and supply chain reporting requirements.

The action “Strengthening the human rights protection of migrants and victims of human trafficking in Turkey” is being implemented within joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”.

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The action on “Strengthening the human rights protection of migrants and victims of human trafficking in Turkey” is implemented within the joint programme of the European Union and the Council of Europe “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”

What is the goal?

► To enhance protection of human rights in the context of migration and to strengthen the application of European standards in this field;

► To improve the prevention and fight against trafficking in human beings through the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings in Turkey.

Who benefits from the Action?

  • Ministry of Interior, including Directorate General of the Migration Management, Directorate General of Security, General Command of Gendarmerie and Coast Guard Command;
  • Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services;
  • Ministry of Justice;
  • Justice Academy of Turkey;
  • Union of Turkish Bar Associations;
  • Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey;
  • Judges, prosecutors, lawyers and law enforcement officers;
  • Civil society organisations;
  • Migrants, asylum seekers, victims of trafficking and smuggling and persons in vulnerable situations, in particular, women and children.

How will the Action work?

► Through a multisectoral partnership approach ensuring dialogue between different stakeholders;

► Capacity building activities will include interdisciplinary working groups, case studies, round table meetings, tailor-made workshops and HELP trainings with relevant stakeholders and experts, peer-to-peer exchanges, and mini grants.

Expected results:

► A comprehensive and integrated institutional approach addressing trafficking in human beings in Turkey, in line with recommendations of the Group of Experts on Action against Human Trafficking (GRETA);

► Progress in the implementation of human trafficking prevention and victim protection strategies, in particular in the context of migration;

► Enhanced understanding of relevant stakeholders on human rights standards in the context of migration, particularly concerning women and vulnerable groups;

► A strengthened human-rights’ based approach to smuggling of migrants.

How do we get more information?

Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings

GRETA country report