Launched on 20 November 2018

 Focus: Access to justice and effective remedies for victims of trafficking in human beings

For the third evaluation round of the Convention, GRETA decided to focus on trafficking victims’ access to justice and effective remedies, which is essential for victims’ rehabilitation and reinstatement of rights and reflects a victim-centred and human-rights based approach to the fight against human trafficking. GRETA's questionnaire for the 3rd Evaluation is structured as follows:

Part I - Access to justice and effective remedies

1. Right to information (Articles 12 and 15)

2. Legal assistance and free legal aid (Article 15)

3. Compensation from the perpetrators (Article 15)

4. State compensation (Article 15)

5. Sanctions and measures (Article 23)

6. Ex parte and ex officio applications (Article 27)

7. Non-punishment provision (Article 26)

8. Protection of victims and witnesses (Articles 28 and 30)

9. Specialised authorities and co-ordinating bodies (Article 29)

10. International co-operation (Article 32)

11. Cross-cutting questions

Part II – Country-specific follow-up questions

Information on new developments and on measures taken in the country since GRETA’s second evaluation report

Part III - Statistics on THB


The Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Convention is the first international legal instrument to take a human rights-based approach to the fight against human trafficking.

 More about the Convention

Country monitoring

An important added value of the Council of Europe Anti-Trafficking Convention is the monitoring mechanism set up to supervise its implementation by State Parties

 Monitoring procedure

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