Secretary General
The Secretary General has the overall responsibility for the strategic management of the Organisation. Ms Pejčinović Burić was elected in June 2019.
Increase in antisemitic and anti-Muslim acts
Antisemitism is on the rise in Europe. In response to recent antisemitic attacks, the Secretary General has stated on several occasions that the Council of Europe will step up efforts to counter antisemitic hatred and hate crimes.
Anti-Muslim attacks are also on the increase. Like Judaism, Islam is part of Europe today and the Council of Europe is therefore dedicated to combating all forms of anti-Muslim prejudice and hate. In view of the growing number of acts committed, the prevention of antisemitism and anti-Muslimism is a key priority for the Organisation today.
The role of the Special Representative
The Secretary General has decided to appoint a Special Representative on Antisemitic and Anti-Muslim Hatred and Hate crimes to facilitate the development of a complementary, flexible and rapid response to work towards effective counter strategies at European level. The Special Representative will support the Secretary General by ensuring internal co-ordination and enhancing co-operation with the member states in their common effort to prevent antisemitic and anti-Muslim acts. The Special Representative will liaise with counterparts in the member states, the EU and international organisations as well as with Jewish and Muslim institutions and will report significant developments directly to the Secretary General. Communication will be a key activity of the role.
Further information