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CAHAI International Panel on Service Robotics

The digitalisation of our lives brings challenges and opportunities. One of the aspects of such digitalisation is the use of artificial intelligence systems, and in particular – intelligent service robots, which sometimes augment or replace us in interactions with other humans.

In certain contexts, the use of such robots may pose questions which are relevant from the human rights' perspective. When can their use foster or hamper human dignity and the right to privacy? How can their use affect other fundamental rights?

Renowned experts have been invited by the Council of Europe to discuss the interplay between human rights and the use of service robots in the webinar format.

The event will take place on 5 July 2021, between 1 pm and 2 pm CEST, on the sidelines of the 5th plenary meeting of the Council’s Ad-Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI), which is currently examining the feasibility and potential elements of a legal framework for the development, design and application of artificial intelligence systems.

The webinar will be accessible via this link. No prior registration is required. The working language will be in English only. Concept note.


  • Dr. Susanne Bieller (Germany), General Secretary of the International Federation of Robotics
  • Hiroaki KITANO, Ph.D. (Japan), President and CEO of Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc., and CEO of Sony AI, Inc.
  • Stephen Wu, J.D. (United States), Attorney and Shareholder of the Silicon Valley Law Group, Chair of the American Bar Association Artificial Intelligence and Robotics National Institute
  • Aimee van Wynsberghe, Ph.D. (Germany), Alexander von Humboldt Professor for Applied Ethics of AI, University of Bonn, President of the Foundation for Responsible Robotics


05/07/2021 Strasbourg
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Towards an application of AI based on human rights, the rule of law and democracy