Back Call for trainers

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Photo: Shutterstock

The Programme “Human Resources Management in Local Self Government – phase 2”, jointly funded by the EU and Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade, is hereby publishing the call for trainers.


The trainer will be responsible for conducting webinars under the “Sectoral Special Training Programme 2022 for Inspection Oversight in the Area of Education”, which is accredited by the National Academy for Public Administration.

We kindly ask the applicants to fill in the attached “Act of Engagement” and provide the respective documentation, as stated in the attached “Tender File/Terms of Reference” (in English or Serbian language).


 The deadline for applications is 4 July.

 All applications are to be sent electronically to


 Act of Engagement

 Tender File/Terms of Reference

 Sectoral Special Training Programme

Belgrade 14 June 2022
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