Back Launching “Block the Hatred. Share the Love!” campaign in Serbia

Launching “Block the Hatred. Share the Love!” campaign in Serbia

A joint awareness-raising campaign of the European Union and the Council of Europe, “Block the Hatred. Share the Love!”, will be officially launched in Serbia at a public event at Dorcol Platz in Belgrade (Dobracina 59), on Thursday, 5 May 2022 – from 10:00 to 12:00.

The following speakers will give introductory remarks:

  • Verena Taylor, Director of the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes of the Council of Europe
  • H.E. Emanuele Giaufret, Ambassador and Head of the Delegation of European Union to the Republic of Serbia
  • Gordana Comic, Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue of Serbia

Serbia’s no-hate speech ambassadors will also be intervening during the event, including actress Milena Radulovic and actor Slaven Doslo, as well as the Young European Ambassadors.

The event will be opened and moderated by Tobias Flessenkemper, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade.

The “Block the Hatred. Share the Love!” campaign aims to combat various forms of hate speech targeting specific communities and individuals in Serbia. It will be rolled out online through the social media dedicated channels and in the mainstream media, as well as through public events. These activities will involve prominent public figures, institutions and activists, who will promote diversity and equality in Serbia and in the region, through personal storytelling, testimonies and exchange of good practices.

The campaign is implemented within the action “Promotion of diversity and equality in Serbia”, that is a part of joint European Union and Council of Europe programme "Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022".

The event is open to media. Interested media representatives should register by sending an email to no later than 4 May, 14:00h.

The event will be livestreamed via the Facebook page of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade. Interpretation in English/Serbian will be provided, including for the online livestreaming event.

 Agenda of the event

 Webpage of the campaign and its activities

 Follow the campaign FacebookInstagramTwitter

For more information, please contact:

Marija Simić, Communication Officer, Council of Europe -  +381 63 60 13 37
Mina Dević, Media Relations Director, Olaf&McAteer -  +381 64 64 04 625

Belgrade 3 May 2022
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