Back Quality education for all - Serbia: Mentor schools and experts developed democratic culture school dissemination packs and held first peer learning

Quality education for all - Serbia: Mentor schools and experts developed democratic culture school dissemination packs and held first peer learning

72 mentors coming from 36 Mentor Schools for Democratic School Culture were invited to a meeting from 8 to 11 June as part of the action "Quality education for all". The objective was to exchange knowledge, share best practices, create concepts for marking the Month of Education for Democratic Culture and develop resource packs to disseminate the concept to other public schools in the Republic of Serbia.

The Mentor Schools meeting served as a space for teachers to come together, share their experiences, and learn from one another. Through engaging discussions, workshops, and collaborative activities, the mentors were able to enhance their knowledge and skills for disseminating the concept of democratic culture to more than 600 new schools in the country.

During the meeting, teachers worked together to create sets of resource packs for dissemination. The purpose of these packs is to provide educators with practical tools and resources to incorporate democratic culture into their teaching practices and school ethos.

In addition, teachers also worked on designing activities to mark the Month of Education for Democratic Culture. This month-long initiative will serve as an opportunity for schools across Serbia to focus on activities and events that promote democratic culture in their local community, with students, and their parents.

By equipping educators with the necessary tools and resources, and by dedicating a month to education for democratic culture, Serbia is taking significant steps towards nurturing a generation of active, responsible, and democratic citizens.

The action Quality education for all is implemented under the joint European Union/Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye“.


Kopaonik 8 - 11 June 2023
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