Back Day of Education for Democratic Culture marked by mentor school “Veljko Dugosevic” from Turija

Day of Education for Democratic Culture marked by mentor school “Veljko Dugosevic” from Turija

Mentor school for Democratic Culture, “Veljko Dugosevic” from Turija, together with their mentees, elementary school “Slobodan Jovic” from Voluja, marked the Day of Education for Democratic culture in Kaona. The goal of the day was to bring students, local community, and parents together and show the importance of fostering democratic school culture, promoting cultural diversity, tolerance and understanding.

The event was held in Cultural centre in Kaona under the slogan “In the heart of tradition and community spirit“. Students had the opportunity to promote Serbian and Vlach culture and customs through artwork and play, showing how intercultural understanding and tolerance have been and can be nurtured.

Elementary school “Veljko Dugosevic” is one of 36 mentor schools in Serbia actively participating in the joint European Union/Council of Europe “Quality education for all” action. This is their seventh year in a row marking Day of Education for Democratic Culture, an event which was established in the first phase of Horizontal Facility programme under the action "Fostering a democratic culture in schools”. This year, the school organised the event with their mentee school - elementary school “Slobodan Jovic”, which they have been guiding and directing in the process of adopting the Council of Europe’s competences for democratic culture.

“By developing critical thinking, empathy, and openness to the world through education, we shape not only our individual destinies, but the future of our community and world as a whole”, said Janos Bábity, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade.

“In a great number of schools in Serbia, as well as municipality of Kucevo, we have an opportunity to meet people of different cultures, languages, religions, and traditions. It is a chance to learn from one another, build bridges of understanding and celebrate the wealth of our diversity”, added Bábity, noting that in addition to the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe, this April marked the 70 years of European Cultural Convention, at the core of which are culture and cultural heritage, reminding us of values that shaped us.

“When talking about children and their acceptance of tradition, diversity, and other nationalities living in this municipality, I am convinced they will become true ambassadors of democracy”, concluded Bábity.

The event was also attended by Dr Snezana Vukovic from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, Nenad Mikic, Mayor of Kucevo, Novica Janosevic, president of the National Council of Vlachs, teachers, students, parents and residents of the the municipality of Kucevo.

The action “Quality education for all” is part of the joint European Union and Council of Europe programme “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye”.



Turija 10 May 2024
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The Council of Europe Office in Belgrade was opened by the Secretary General on 16 March 2001, as a contact point for co-operation with the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which had applied for membership in the Council of Europe. The work was already underway on joint projects. It has remained in place ever since.

Serbia became the 45th member of the Council of Europe in April 2003, a development that was a natural consequence of the major political changes which took place in autumn 2000 and which allowed Serbia to claim its rightful place among the democratic states of Europe.


Through the Office in Belgrade, the Council of Europe continues to assist the country in its process of democratic reforms and its European integration. In recent years, the Office, in close co-operation with the Serbian authorities, has supported reforms of democratic institutions, the rule of law, human and minority rights, including of the Roma and the LBGTI communities, and local and regional self-government.

The Office also continues to assist with co-operation regarding economic, social, cultural, scientific, legal and administrative matters, and in the maintenance and further realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

75 years of the Council of Europe



Leaflet of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade