Back Impacts on the Hermann tortoise (Testudo hermanni)

The complaint was submitted in 1992 during the follow-up implementation of Recommendation No. 26, regarding a road construction within the habitat of the last French population of Testudo Hermanni. Following Recommendation No. 118 (2005), a new complaint was submitted in 2008 by several French actors regarding a project of a multi-track waste plant in the Commune of Cabasse in France which, according to the complainants, seriously threatens the Hermann turtle (Testudo hermanni) habitat.


 Key Timeline



 OSA report and recommendation

2010 Report of the on-the-spot appraisal - T-PVS/Files(2010)25  [FR]
Recommendation No. 146 (2010) of the Standing Committee on protection of the Hermann tortoise (Testudo hermanni) in the Massif des Maures and Plaine des Maures localities (Var)

Recommendation No. 118 (2005) of the Standing Committee on protection of the Hermann tortoise (Testudo hermanni) in the Massif des Maures and Plaine des Maures localities (Var)


Regular reports to the Bureau and/or Standing Committee

Please note that all reports received by a Party during one calendar year are included in one single report for that year. Some older reports are not available in digital form.

2012 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2012)20  [FR]
2011 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2011)31  [FR]

Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2009)27  [FR]

Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2009)19  [FR] and 2
2007 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2007)6  [FR]
2006 Secretariat Report - T-PVS/Files(2006)17
2005 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2005)1  [FR]
Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2005)11  [FR]
2004 Secretariat Report - T-PVS/Files(2004)22
Closed France 2008/3 & 1992/1
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