Back Possible threat to “Svaneti 1” Emerald Site (GE0000012) from Nenskra Hydro Power Plant development

Possible threat to “Svaneti 1” Emerald Site (GE0000012) from Nenskra Hydro Power Plant development

The complaint was submitted by the association Green Alternative (Georgia) and the Balkani Wildlife Society (Bulgaria) on the development of a hydropower plant development within the Emerald Network site “Svaneti 1” in Georgia.

This could result in the destruction of habitats by flooding at the dam site as well as in the deterioration of habitats due to the change of the hydrological regime and the local climate. The complainant stated that this will negatively affect several species mentioned under Annex II of the Bern Convention including the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra),  Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), brown bear (Ursus arctos), and Persian leopard (Panthera pardus tulliana). The case file remains on stand-by.


 Key Timeline

  • 2016 - Case registration

 Other countries possibly concerned

  • N/A

 Other international organisations involved

  • N/A



Complaint form

2016 T-PVS/Files(2016)51


Regular reports to the Bureau and/or Standing Committee

Please note that all reports received by a Party during one calendar year are included in one single report for that year. Some older reports are not available in digital form.

2024 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2024)17
Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2024)18
2023 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2023)05
Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2023)06
2022 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2022)43
Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2022)20
2021 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2021)16
Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2021)12
2020 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)4
Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2020)12
2019 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2019)12
Complainant Report - N/A
2018 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2018)7
Complainant Report - T-PVS/Files(2018)11 + Ann. + Ann.2 Ann. 3 
2017 Government Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)7
Complaint Report - T-PVS/Files(2017)21 + Annex 1


Other information / documents

Stand-by Georgia 2016/9
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