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Regional Park Gallipoli Cognato

The Regional Park Gallipoli Cognato covers an area of almost 27000 hectares, within the provinces of Matera and Potenza.

The Park protects an area located just in the middle of Basilicata Region with relevant naturalistic, historical and ethno-anthropological values: the forest of Gallipoli Cognato, the wood of Montepiano, the sandstone rocks of the Dolomiti Lucane in Castelmezzano and Pietrapertosa, the ruins of the fortification of an ancient city built during the 4th century B.C. on the top of Mount Croccia.

The presence of many rare fauna species such as the Black stork (Ciconia Nigra), the Italian hare (Lepus corsicanus), the Wildcat (Felis silvestris), the Wolf (Canis lupus), the Otter (Lutra lutra), the Short-toed snake eagle (Circaetus gallicus) is remarkable. The protected area is also characterised by the presence of a wide green scrubland made of variegated arboreal and shrub species, alternated with forest of centuries-old trees.

For information:

Ente Parco Gallipoli Cognato Piccole Dolomiti Lucane
Address: Localita’ Palazzo – 75011 ACCETTURA (MT) - ITALIA

 +39 0835 675015

 +39 0835 1673005


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Experts reports following T-PVS/DE(2019)14
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2020 annual report 10/12/2020
2021 annual report 09/12/2021
2022 annual report 15/12/2022
2023 annual report 15/12/2023
Next visit 2024
Award date: 23.09.2020
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