List of Awarded Areas by country

Back Seitseminen National Park

Seitseminen National Park

Seitseminen National Park is located on a watershed of western Finland in the central boreal forest zone. Some of the state-owned forests in Seitseminen have been under protection since the beginning of this century. The rural area surrounding the park is sparsely populated. Tampere, the nearest town, lies 80 km to the south of the park. Seitseminen National Park covers an area of 4550 ha. The forests cover 51%, the peatlands 45% and the cultural heritage landscapes 0,1% of the park. There are about thirty small lakes and pools in the park. Eskers, oriented north to south, are the geologically significant landforms.

The nature is barren and the number of species is limited. Both flora and fauna show characteristics typical to northern nature. Many regionally or nationally threatened species breed in the natural peatlands and the old forests of the park.


For information:

Metsähallitus, Parks & Wildlife Finland
Park manager: Tuula Peltonen
Keskuskatu 8 
39700 Parkano

 Location of the area

EUNIS factsheet


Application file
Resolutions Available here
Experts reports following


Other reports  
2013 annual report 28/11/2013
2014 annual report 30/11/2014
2015 annual report 30/11/2015
2016 annual report 30/11/2016
2017 annual report 15/12/2017
2018 annual report 10/12/2018
2019 annual report 11/12/2019
2020 annual report     28/12/2020
2021 annual report 07/12/2021
2022 annual report 13/12/2022
2023 annual report 14/12/2023
Next visit 2020 (postponed)
Award date: 19.06.96
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