Salvage Islands Nature Reserve (Ilhas Selvagens)

Selvagens Islands Nature Reserve is situated in North Atlantic, 163 nautical miles from Madeira Island, Portugal, and is bounded by the 200 meters bathymetric contour line, including all the islands (Selvagem Grande, Selvagem Pequena and Ilhéu de Fora), islets and respective maritime area. These islands were officially discovered by the Portuguese in the 15th century, and all attempts of colonisation were thwarted. It contains some plant habitats unique in the world living in untouched ecosystems (Selvagem Pequena and Ilhéu de Fora) and the highest percentage of endemic plants per square meter in Macaronesia. Zoologically speaking, it is a genuine sanctuary for pelagic birds, such as Cory’s Shearwater, the largest colony of this species in the world, White-faced Storm-petrel, one of the largest populations in the Atlantic and forms the northern boundary of the species distribution, Bulwer’s Petrel and Madeiran Storm-petrel. Consequently, the archipelago is of exceptional scientific interest; it is a natural heritage whose value goes beyond national boundaries.

Therefore, since 1971, Selvagens Islands are under of the Regional Government of Madeira administration and are classified as a Nature Reserve, being the first to be classified as such in Portugal.

For information:

Governo Regional da Madeira
Parque Natural da Madeira
Quinta do Bom Sucesso
Caminho do Meio
9064-512 Funchal
Madeira Island

+351 291 214 360

+351 291 214 379

Desertas Nature Reserve

Desertas Islands Nature Reserve is situated in North Atlantic, next to Madeira Island, Portugal, at a distance of about 22 nautical miles, and is bounded by the 100 meters bathymetric contour line, including all the islands (Ilhéu Chão, Deserta Grande and Bugio), islets and respective maritime area. Due to their geographic location, isolation and difficult conditions for colonisation, they offer habitats that are representative and important for the conservation of the biodiversity of Macaronesia and the world; particularly for the endemism and species that are threatened and vulnerable on a world-wide scale, such as the Mediterranean monk seal, the Deserta’s petrel, the Deserta’s Musschia and many invertebrates. This gives Desertas Islands Nature Reserve a valuable terrestrial and marine natural heritage of great ecological and scientific value, as well as an unequalled landscape.

Therefore, since 1990, Desertas Islands are under of the Regional Government of Madeira administration and are classified as a Nature Reserve.

For information:

Governo Regional da Madeira
Parque Natural da Madeira
Quinta do Bom Sucesso
Caminho do Meio
9064-512 Funchal
Madeira Island

+351 291 214 360

+351 291 214 379