16. Is donation of sperm/oocytes/embryos anonymous?
Sperm, oocyte and embryo donation is forbidden.
17. Is it possible to obtain information about the biological origin of a child born after gametes of embryo donation? Sperm, oocyte and embryo donation is forbidden.
i. For the child him or herself No; ii. For the parents No; iii. For a court NA
a. Identity of the donor(s)
i. For the child him or herself NA; ii. For the parents NA; iii. For a court NA
b. Certain health information concerning the donor(s)
i. For the child him or herself NA; ii. For the parents NA; iii. For a court NA
c. Other information
i. For the child him or herself; ii. For the parents; iii. For a court
18. Is it possible to contest maternity and paternity of children born utilising MAP and under which conditions? Yes. DNA tests.