Meeting documents

Back 20th meeting - Strasbourg, 12-13 September 2000

1 Opening of the meeting by the Chairman, Ambassador Dr. Hilger
- Report of the 19th meeting CAHDI (2000) 12
2 Adoption of the agenda
- Agenda CAHDI (2000) OJ 2 rev 2
4 Decisions by the Committee of Ministers concerning the CAHDI
- Resolution (2000) 2 of the Committee of Ministers on "Council of Europe's information strategy" CAHDI (2000) 14
5 Law and practice relating to reservations and interpretative declarations concerning international treaties: European Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties
- Report of the 3rd meeting of the DI-E-RIT DI-E-RIT (2000) 2
a Exchange of views with Professor A. Pellet, Special Rapporteur of the United Nations and member of the International Law Commission
- Fifth report on reservations to international treaties by Mr Alain Pellet, Special Rapporteur CAHDI (2000) Inf 2
- Fifth report on reservations to international treaties by Mr Alain Pellet, Special Rapporteur - Addendum CAHDI (2000) Inf 2 Addendum
- Report of the 52nd Session of the ILC
- The Work of the International Law Commission at Its 52nd Session (2000) - Document prepared by M. Bruno Simma, Member of the ILC CAHDI (2000) Inf 7 (English only)
b European Observatory of Reservations to international Treaties
6 Expression of consent by States to be bound by a treaty
- Expression of consent by States to be bound by a treaty - Analytical report / National report CAHDI (2000) 13 rev
7 Proposal for the setting up of a General Judicial Authority of the Council of Europe
- Proposal of the Czech Republic to the Committee of Ministers for the possible establishment of a "general" judicial authority of the Council of Europe CAHDI (2000) 9
- Recommendation 1458 (2000) towards a uniform interpretation of Council of Europe conventions: creation of a general judicial authority and report of the Parliamentary Assembly CAHDI (2000) 9 Addendum
- Specific terms of reference from the Committee of Ministers for an opinion by the CAHDI CAHDI (2000) 9 Addendum 2
8 Discussion on possible new activities
- Report of the European Commission for Democracy through law on Federated and Regional Entities and international Treaties CDL-INF (2000) 3
- Colloquy of the French Society for International Law "International Law and the time factor" CAHDI (2000) Inf 3
9 9. Adoption of the draft specific terms of reference of the CAHDI for 2001-2002 and possibly of any subordinated group
- Draft specific terms of reference of the CAHDI CAHDI (2000) 17 rev
10 10. The work of the Sixth Commission of the General Assembly of United Nations and of the International Law Commission (ILC)
- Report of the 52nd Session of the International Law Commission A/55/10
- The Work of the International Law Commission at its 52nd Session, prepared by Professor Bruno Simma, member of the International Law Commission CAHDI (2000) Inf 7 (English only)
11 11. The role of depository : Exchange of views with Mr. Palitha Kohona, Chief of the Treaty Section of the United Nations regarding the practice of the United Nations Secretary General on the deposit of multilateral treaties
- The practice of the United Nations Secretary General on the deposit of multilateral treaties CAHDI (2000) Inf 5 (English only)
13 Developments concerning the International Criminal Court
- Conclusions of the consultation meeting on the implications of the ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court on the internal legal order of the member States of the Council of Europe Consult ICC (2000) Concl
16 16. Developments concerning the preparation of a Charter of Fundamental Rights in the European Union
- Developments concerning the preparation of a Charter of Fundamental Rights in the European Union CAHDI (2000) Inf 6
17 Request by the Ligue Internationale contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme (LICRA) for observer status with the CAHDI
- Request by the Ligue Internationale contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme (LICRA) for observer status with the CAHDI CAHDI (2000) 19
18 Election of the Chair and the Vice-Chair of the CAHDI
- Election of the Chair and the Vice-Chair of the CAHDI for one year CAHDI (2000) 18