Students’ well-being and their success in and outside school depend on their ability to use their competences for democratic culture.

Since well-being has many facets, improving students’ well-being in schools requires a whole-school approach, involving both teachers and parents.

Schools should provide lessons focused on the responsible use of the Internet, the need to adopt a healthy lifestyle and how to prevent or cope with health problems, in collaboration with those involved, including health and social services, local authorities and civil society organisations.

Facts & figures

About 60% of school students report getting very tense when they study.[1]

Just over 60% of girls and 40% boys say they feel very anxious about doing tests at school, even when they are well prepared.[2]

Over 70% of parents say they would choose to send their children to a school with below-average exam results if students were happy there.[3]

What is well-being?

Well-being is the experience of health and happiness. It includes mental and physical health, physical and emotional safety, and a feeling of belonging, sense of purpose, achievement and success.

Well-being is a broad concept and covers a range of psychological and physical abilities. Five major types of well-being are said to be:

  • Emotional well-being – the ability to be resilient, manage one’s emotions and generate emotions that lead to good feelings
  • Physical well-being – the ability to improve the functioning of one’s body through healthy eating and good exercise habits
  • Social well-being – the ability to communicate, develop meaningful relationships with others and create one’s own emotional support network
  • Workplace well-being – the ability to pursue one’s own interests, beliefs and values in order to gain meaning and happiness in life and professional enrichment
  • Societal well-being – the ability to participate in an active community or culture.

Overall well-being depends on all these types of functioning to an extent.[4]

“Having meaning and purpose is integral to people’s sense of well-being. Well-being involves far more than happiness, and accomplishments go far beyond test success.”[5]

Why is well-being important at school?

Well-being is important at school because schools have an essential role to play in supporting students to make healthy lifestyle choices and understand the effects of their choices on their health and well-being. Childhood and adolescence is a critical period in the development of long-term attitudes towards personal well-being and lifestyle choices. The social and emotional skills, knowledge and behaviours that young people learn in the classroom help them build resilience and set the pattern for how they will manage their physical and mental health throughout their lives.

Schools are able to provide students with reliable information and deepen their understanding of the choices they face. They are also able to provide students with the intellectual skills required to reflect critically on these choices and on the influences that society brings to bear on them, including through peer pressure, advertising, social media and family and cultural values.

There is a direct link between well-being and academic achievement and vice versa, i.e. well-being is a crucial prerequisite for achievement and achievement is essential for well-being. Physical activity is associated with improved learning and the ability to concentrate. Strong, supportive relationships provide students with the emotional resources to step out of their intellectual ‘comfort zone’ and explore new ideas and ways of thinking, which is fundamental to educational achievement.

Well-being is also important for developing important democratic competences. Positive emotions are associated with the development of flexibility and adaptability, openness to other cultures and beliefs, self-efficacy and tolerance of ambiguity, all of which lie at the heart of the Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture.

What are the challenges?

One of the challenges of trying to promote young people’s well-being in school is the multi-faceted nature of well-being. There are a number of different types of well-being, all of which need to be promoted to some extent to create an overall sense of well-being in a person. So, it is not possible to improve students’ well-being at school through single interventions or activities. Rather it requires the development of a ‘culture’ of well-being throughout the whole school and the active involvement of the whole staff, teaching and non-teaching, which can be difficult to achieve.

The promotion of well-being may sometimes appear to conflict with other school priorities, such as academic standards. Unreasonably high expectations, a regime of constant testing or an over-emphasis on the importance of academic performance may actually undermine student well-being.

In many cases schools do not have the freedom to make the changes to school life which might most benefit student well-being. They may have little control, for example, over formal examinations and tests, the content of curricula, the length of the school day or the physical school environment.

Nor have schools control over the many out-of-school influences on student well-being. What happens in the home and the family, local communities or social media can have as much, if not more, influence on student well-being as anything in school.

Finally, developing a sense of well-being in students is made all the more difficult when school staff themselves do not have a positive sense of well-being. Well-being at work is strongly related to stress. Stress at work is related to workload, quality of professional relationships, level of autonomy, clarity about one’s role, availability of support and the opportunity to be involved in changes which affect one’s professional life. High levels of stress can lead to demotivation, lack of job satisfaction and poor physical and mental health, which has a knock-on effect on students’ own well-being.

How can schools get active?

Addressing student well-being at school begins with helping students feel they are each known and valued as an individual in her or his own right, and that school life has a meaning and purpose for them. This can be achieved in a variety of small ways, the cumulative effect of which can have a very powerful influence on students’ sense of well-being. These include:

  • providing opportunities for all members of the school community to participate in meaningful decision-making in school, e.g. through consultations, opinion surveys, referenda, electing class representatives, student parliaments, focus groups, in-class feedback on learning activities, and an element of student choice in relation to topics taught and teaching methods used;
  • developing a welcoming environment where everyone at school can feel supported and safe through access to meaningful activities, e.g. clubs, societies, interest groups and associations dealing with issues of concern to young people, including health;
  • taking steps to reduce the anxiety students feel about examinations and testing through the introduction of less stressful forms of assessment, e.g. formative assessment, peer assessment and involving students in the identification of their own assessment needs;
  • using teaching methods that contribute to a positive classroom climate and well-being, e.g. cooperative learning, student-centred methods, self-organised time, outdoor activities;
  • finding curriculum opportunities to talk about well-being issues with students, e.g. healthy eating, exercise, substance abuse, positive relationships;
  • integrating democratic citizenship and education for intercultural understanding into different school subjects and extra-curricular activities, e.g. openness to other cultures in Religious Education, knowledge and critical understanding of human rights in Social Science, empathy in Literature;
  • introducing student-led forms of conflict management and approaches to bullying and harassment, e.g. peer mediation, restorative justice;
  • improving the physical environment of the school to make it more student-friendly, e.g. new furniture and fittings, carpeted areas, appropriate colour schemes, safe toilet areas, recreational areas;
  • encouraging healthier eating by providing healthy options in the school canteen, e.g. avoiding high amounts of sugar, saturated fats and salt;
  • working with parents to enhance students’ achievement and sense of purpose in school, e.g. on healthy food, safe internet use and home-school communications.

Individual initiatives like these can be brought together at the whole-school level through a policy development process which ‘mainstreams’ well-being as a school issue. This means giving attention to the potential effects of new policies on individual well-being - of students, teachers and others. Addressing student well-being at school always goes hand in hand with action to protect the health and well-being of teachers and other staff at school.


[1] OECD (2017). PISA 2015 Results (Volume III), p.40. Students’ Well-Being. Paris, France: OECD Publishing.

[2] Ibid.

[3] Cowburn & Blow, ‘Wise up - Prioritising wellbeing in schools’

[4] Psychology Today, January 2019.

[5] Hargreaves & Shirley (2018), ‘Well-being and Success. Opposites that need to attract’.

  Resources on Improving well-being at school


Official texts

Policy documents



Related schools projects

Back Istituto Comprensivo Cavalieri - Scuola a indirizzo musicale

Address: Via Anco Marzio 9, 20123, Milan

Country: Italy

 School website

Project: “Safe and SOUND”. Our way to well-being at school


Working language during the project: 

  • Italian and English

Themes of the Council of Europe campaign “FREE to SPEAK, SAFE to LEARN - Democratic Schools for All” covered:

  • Making children’s and students’ voices heard
  • Preventing violence and bullying
  • Improving well-being at school

Competences from the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (CDC) addressed and where / how they were integrated:

  • Knowledge and critical understanding of the self
    Thanks to the help of teachers, coach and psycho-pedagogists, students learnt to express their thoughts, opinions and feelings in a respectful and thoughtful way. They reflected critically on their own values and beliefs from different points of view and in different situations.  
  • Co-operation skills
    Students experienced the importance of effective communication and positive relationships for a successful teamwork in tailor-made cooperative learning settings. Students learnt to create a positive, open and caring atmosphere. They learnt to work together, helping each other, giving value to diversity and everyone’s potential, human dignity and human rights. 
  • Conflict-resolution skills
    Students understood that conflict arises from differences, whenever people disagree over their values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires. Students learnt the importance of respectful communication, experiencing active listening strategies, empathy, creative problem solving and team building, to identify useful options to resolve conflict.


Target group age range:

  • 5-11 and 11-15

Level of education:

  • Primary education
  • Lower secondary education

Short description of the project: 

For the last eight years, I.C. Cavalieri has taught democracy and human rights education from a whole-school approach. EDC and HRE are taken into consideration in teaching practice on a daily basis, in particular in those school-wide policies, practices and documents that define our school’s identity.

At the heart of our mission is the students’ WELL-BEING from first class in Primary School to third class in Lower Secondary School.

EDC and HRE positive culture and values have gone beyond classrooms, involving the school culture, the management structure and relationships throughout the community with a wide range of stakeholders. In the last few years, together, we’ve asked ourselves what could be done to foster well-being at school, following Seligman’s PERMA Model (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishments). Here are some of the main points we’ve concentrated on since then.

  • The school is now a positive, inclusive and healthy environment.
    All our classrooms allow an inclusive teaching methodology in a good sound environment (wall absorber panels, sound absorbing ceilings, sound-control acoustic curtains, LED lights, high performance speakers and smartboards connected to the school wi-fi) reducing sound levels, minimising background low-frequency sound, ensuring speech clarity, preventing the build-up of echoes, finally ensuring speaker and listener comfort. Both the Primary school and Lower Secondary school buildings now have acoustic environments (corridors and gym in both buildings, and the Primary school’s canteen) that are well-balanced, blocking out unwanted, harmful noise and enhancing those sounds that we want, and indeed need, to hear.
  • Teachers, educational staff and school staff are committed to continuous professional development.
    Holistic student-centred methodologies, inclusive approaches, principles and practices of education for democratic citizenship and human rights education, ICT teaching strategies and cooperative learning are only some examples of the main themes dealt with. Professional development encompasses a great variety of courses, recommended books, conferences and workshops.
  • The school provides ‘Quality Education’ for all students.
    Students with disabilities study and live in a learning environment which recognises everyone’s learning and social needs. Students with a refugee or migrant background are well supported, too (extra Italian classes, cultural mediators, tailor-made academic plans).
  • Students are encouraged to develop democratic knowledge, understanding and skills and participate in society to defend and promote democracy and human rights.
    Pupils and students participate in projects and workshops with educational institutions and professionals, joint activities and exchanges with other schools and partnerships with NGOs, local authorities and media. They learn about conflict resolution, bullying and cyberbullying, health and safety, drugs and other addictions, the rule of law, coding and soft skills.
  • Students learn to understand, love and accept themselves strengths and weaknesses, needs and passions.
    Teachers, psycho-pedagogists, mediators and coaches support pupils and students in the complex process of gaining self-awareness, providing opportunities for the students to talk and express themselves in a safe zone, without the worry of being judged or discriminated against. Students and their families are followed step by step in the usually stressful process of choosing a Higher Secondary school (educational consultancy services). Students are encouraged to express themselves artistically at Drama Club, Drama labs, Choir and Music advanced classes.
  • Families are encouraged to participate in school life and decisionmaking.
    Our students’ families are very active and organised. Every year they manage a system of private music lessons for students in the afternoon, a homework support programme, a charity run and many other events that enrich our educational plan. Thanks to voluntary donations the school has the opportunity to pay school excursions for students in poverty, replace old PCs and printers and, in the past, managed to buy the first few smartboards.



  • to provide a safe and non-violent learning environment in which the rights of all are respected
  • to develop appropriate competences, self-confidence and critical thinking to help students become responsible citizens
  • to develop each pupil’s and student’s personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential and encourage them to complete the educational programmes in which they enrol
  • to pass on universal and local cultural values to students while equipping them to make their own decisions
  • to provide meaningful opportunities of professional development that teachers will be willing to commit to
  • to renovate and refurbish the school to make it the most beautiful, pleasant, flexible, bright and colourful environment possible, where students can feel at ease and welcome.


Expected results/outcomes

  • Aula da sogno - students designed a logo
  • Our school has become the venue for Cambridge examinations, in partnership with British Council because of our soundproofed classrooms
  • Our students’ INVALSI (a national examination) results are higher than average in Italy, in Lombardy, in Milan and locally
  • EDUMANA (project against violence and bullying) - a booklet
  • “Our school is nonviolent” project- a video
  • I.C. Cavalieri, an Ashoka Changemaker School
  • Renaissance: Growing Educational Communities Award



  • Our educational policy plan (PTOF) lasts three years. In that time we try and sometimes change partnerships according to teachers’, families’ and students’ feedback.
    Every year our school and educational policy plan are internally assessed (RAV) and a school improvement plan is developed. School self-evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive and reflective process of internal school review. An evidence-based approach, it involves gathering information from a range of sources, and then making judgements. All of this with a view to bringing about improvements in students’ learning.


Challenges you faced

  • Time and delays can sometimes be an issue when dealing with projects and daily classroom practice.


Time-frame of the project:

  • It took us 8 years to get to the point we are now. With the compulsory implementation of CITIZENSHIP AND CONSTITUTIONAL LAW in the syllabus from September 2020, our school will work even harder on EDC and HRE in the future.


Council of Europe materials on citizenship and human rights education used while preparing or implementing your practice:

  • Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture
  • Democratic governance of schools
  • Multimedia Material (ex. video “Beat Bullying”, series of cartoons “Democracy and Human Rights at School”, video “Corporal punishment at school: how two parents decided to change things”)