Preliminary work - preparation of the 9th CCPE opinion (2014)

For 2014, the Committee of Ministers entrusted the CCPE with the proper implementation of Recommendation Rec(2000)19 on the role of public prosecution in the criminal justice system and Recommendation Rec(2012)11 on the role of public prosecutors outside the criminal justice system, and, in this respect, with the preparation and adoption of an opinion in 2014 on issues which relate to the difficulties concerning the implementation of Recommendation Rec(2000)19 when dealing with the improvement of the prosecutions services in member States, in particular, a reference document on European norms and principles concerning prosecutors. The draft opinion has been submitted for adoption at the 9th plenary meeting of the CCPE, on 16 and 17 December 2014 in Roma (Italy).

Working group

The working group in charge of preparing Opinion No. 9 held its first meeting in Strasbourg on 27-28 March. The second meeting also took place in Strasbourg, on 19-20 June 2014.


  • Gordana BOSILJCIC (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  • João Manuel DA SILVA MIGUEL (Portugal)
  • Hasan DURSUN (Turkey)
  • Jean-Pierre DRENO (Monaco)
  • Peter McCORMICK (Ireland)
  • Harald RANGE (Germany)
  • Elizabeth SIDWA (Poland)
  • Antonio VERCHER NOGUERA (Spain)
  • Alexander ZVYAGINTSEV
  • Vladimir ZIMIN (Russian Federation)

Substitute members

  • Olivier de BAYNAST (France)
  • Nelly HARUTYUNYAN (Armenia)

Reference documents