24 months, 01 January 2021 - 31 December 2022
Euro 750,000
Key issues to be addressed
  • improvement of access to justice
  • prevention of the nonexecution of judgments of national courts
  • development of remedies concerning excessive length of judicial proceedings
  • building effective procedures related to interaction of the Cassation Court of Armenia with the ECtHR
Project partners

Ministry of Justice, Court of Cassation, Government Agent of Armenia before the ECtHR

Overall objective

Provision of accessible, full and effective justice, as understood by Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, brings a better enjoyment of human rights to the Armenian public.

project components

Project component 1 – National mechanisms of execution of ECtHR judgments

Aim of the component: The Armenian national strategy for the implementation of general measures for execution of the ECtHR judgments is finalised and adopted by relevant Armenian bodies

Project component 2 – Excessive length of judicial proceedings

Aim of the component: Within the Armenian legislation the national remedies concerning the excessive length of judicial proceedings are developed along with other relevant general measures.

Project component 3 – Access to justice and judicial independence

Aim of the component: A set of recommendations to Armenia towards strengthening access to justice and judicial independence, taking into account the amended legislative and institutional setup of the judiciary and the respective ECtHR judgments, is provided, up to 50% of the recommendations are implemented.

Project component 4 – Implementation of Protocol 16 to the ECHR

Aim of the component: Armenia’s Court of Cassation is supported in building effective procedures related to interaction with the European Court of Human Rights, with a focus on the implementation of Protocol No 16 to the ECHR (as regards the requests for advisory opinions) and as to the re-opening of judicial proceeding following a judgment of the ECtHR.

Armenian website
Armenian website for further information.



Armenia: Support for the execution of judgments in respect of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights

The Council of Europe Office in Yerevan announces a call for tenders for the provision of national consultancy services in the field of improvement of the national system of the execution of judgments of the European Court with a special focus on Article 6 violations, including independence, impartiality and efficiency of the judiciary, reduction of the length of proceedings, Protocol 16 to the European Convention on Human Rights and re-opening of proceedings and other related issues. This call for tenders has been launched as part of the “Support for the execution by Armenia of judgments in respect of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights’’ Project.

The project’s goal is to provide accessible, full and effective justice, as understood by Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights, and to bring a better enjoyment of human rights to the Armenian public. The project’s strategy will be developed both at a national and local level.

The Project is looking for a pool of up to 25 Providers in order to support the implementation of the Project with a particular expertise in the above-mentioned fields.

Work under this project is expected to begin on 15 April 2021 and run until 31 December 2022. The deadline for tendering is 6 April 2021 (23:00, local time in Armenia). Applications received after the above-mentioned date will not be considered.

The application form, completed and signed, together with the supporting documents, must be submitted in electronic form (Word and/or PDF) in English to the following e-mail address: tender.armenia-bh8740@coe.int.

For detailed information about the call, application and selection procedures please refer to the Act of Engagement and the Terms of Reference

Visit the Council of Europe's page to see all calls for tender


Armenia Deadline: 6 April 2021 (23:00, local time in Armenia).
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